Chapter 42

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Note: this story has been published through Self Publishing. Keep in mind that the Wattpad version is only the first draft! For the polished version without the many mistakes, buy a copy!

Where can you order a copy, you ask? Please use Create Space, because they give me more royalties!

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“We still need to do some serious Christmas shopping,” I told Simon when we were eating pancakes in the local pancake house.

We’d decided to get off the school grounds and spend the day in the nearby village. Simon had gone to Eros to explain everything that had happened, as I couldn’t bring myself to face him. It wasn’t really my story to tell either. Simon said Eros had been his usual cocky self, but he hadn’t said one mean word to Simon, which was a huge improvement considering how rude he could be. I had wanted to get away from everything – not just from Eros, but from Antwan and Will too, from everyone except Simon really. Simon had taken me out immediately and he’d insisted on paying for our lunch. He’d ordered something with a lot of meat and I was eating a pancake with sugar, cinnamon, apple and honey. It tasted amazing. Strangely, Simon’s meat looked delicious to me as well. The smell of it was mouth-watering. But I was a vegetarian, had been for several years now, so I didn’t wanted a bite of his food, although he offered it several times when he saw me eyeing his food curiously.

“Christmas shopping?” Simon repeated, surprised. “Why?”

“Because that’s what you do when it’s Christmas,” I said, shaking my head at him. “We need to get your roommates something, and I want something for mine as well. Oh, and I need to send my old friends something… My mom will come see me soon and I need to get her something. Oh, and your parents. You definitely need to get them something.”

He snorted. “All my parents want is for me to get a boyfriend. I can’t get them to understand I’m not gay.”

“Well, you could try to tell them…” I said, laughing. “Or put a gun to their heads until they admit you’re not homosexual.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a great plan.” He grinned, putting some bacon in his mouth. “The only thing that would convince them is me getting a girlfriend, but I don’t see that happening.”

When he said the word girlfriend, an idea formed in my head. Okay, maybe Simon wouldn’t get an actual girlfriend before his parents came to see him this vacation, but he didn’t need a real girlfriend to make his parents see the truth. He just needed someone who acted as his girlfriend. I looked up at him, a smirk on my face. I was sure this was a great idea – Simon wouldn’t be set up with guys anymore once I’d put my plan into action.

He caught my eye, saw my expression and choked on his food. “Oh, no,” he said quickly. “If you are thinking what I think you are thinking, my answer is no.”

“I’ll just pretend to be your girlfriend for one day,” I protested. “Just introduce me to your parents and I’ll take care of the rest.”

“No,” he refused again. “No way.”

“Why not?” I asked. “Come on, I’d love to meet your parents.”

He laughed mockingly. “You can meet them as my friend, not as my fake girlfriend. It’s insane.”

Supernatural Boarding School #1 - A Bond of Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now