Chapter 27

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Note: this story has been published through Self Publishing. Keep in mind that the Wattpad version is only the first draft! For the polished version without the many mistakes, buy a copy!

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My bed was so soft and warm… I curled up under the blankets, hitting something with my knee. That ‘something’ grunted and turned over, putting its head so close to mine I could feel soft hairs tickling my cheek. I put my chin on top of the head, closed my eyes and started to doze off again. Just as I was about to drift back off into sleep, realization hit me like a splash of cold water in the face.

There was someone in my bed.

I shivered involuntarily and asked myself what I should do next. What had happened last night that could explain me waking up with another person in my bed. At least… it was my bed, wasn’t it? I looked around, seeing Eve laying under her heavy pink covers. Yes, it was my bed. But who was the person in bed with me? And how had I gotten here?

I looked down at the head that was resting against my shoulder. The person moaned in his sleep and moved to lie on his stomach, his face averted from me now. It was most definitely a boy. I looked down at the peaceful sleeping figure and suddenly noticed he looked familiar. His somewhat longish brown hair was all messed up and he seemed to be fairly tall.

I sat up in bed, looking down on the guy. Too bad it was dark in the room, otherwise it would have been easier to recognize him. Good God, what had happened last night? What had I done with this guy to end up in bed with him? He wasn’t wearing a shirt, but he did have on a pair of black sweats or something like that. I looked down on myself, seeing a huge black shirt I’d nicked from Greg one time. I also had on a pair of soft pink shorts that had been in a box underneath my bed. I couldn’t remember putting any of this on. Well, at least I wasn’t naked. For all I knew, I might have lost my virginity last night.

God – that couldn’t be true. There must be a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. I took a deep breath and tried to think of something that might calm me down. I tried to breathe evenly and think of something that would strengthen me. The only thing I could think of was the strength that Simon always seemed to pass from him to me. So I focused on Simon, thinking of nothing but the way he’d lean me his calm. Suddenly, I felt like I was connecting with some kind of… power. Like I was a computer that was connecting with the internet. I felt a faint presence, something inside of me that wasn’t something that belonged to me. It felt like I was connected to someone… The feeling of connection grew bigger and bigger, somehow making me feel a presence. The presence of another mind, of the strength and calm I had been looking for. Somehow, I had connected with Simon; and the part of me that was connected to him, told me he was near. Very near.

I opened my eyes and looked down on the guy in my bed, seeing a really light purple glow around him. It was only visible around the edges, but it was there. Not as prominent as when he was awake, but unmistakably there. The guy in my bed was no other than my best friend.

I felt relieved. At least now I knew who was with me. But I still didn’t know what had happened. For all I knew, I could have done anything with Simon last night. Why the hell would he end up in my bed? What had I been doing last night…? I looked at the calendar on my night stand, happy that my vampire sight was starting to develop, allowing me to see what was written beneath the date.

Supernatural Boarding School #1 - A Bond of Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now