Chapter 38

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Note: this story has been published through Self Publishing. Keep in mind that the Wattpad version is only the first draft! For the polished version without the many mistakes, buy a copy!

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“Sam!” I said, stunned, watching my roommate enter the room with her usual skeptical expression on her face.

“Demona?” she asked, her eyebrows raised. “I see you even got to bring your two boy toys?”

I grinned, enjoying how both Simon and Eros took offence at the term ‘boy toys’. “You never told me you got a letter.”

“Well, you never told me,” she encountered. “Weren’t supposed to either.”

The door swung open once more and three more people entered. The first was a girl with waist-long black hair and freakishly long fingernails that were polished blood red. She had an air of importance around her and she reeked of some herb I didn’t recognize. There was a feeling of magic in the air when she passed, making me assume she was a witch. With a start I recognized her: she was one of the students I’d seen the teachers looking at!

Behind her was another girl I recognized, with the same feeling of magic around her. She had short blond hair with red highlights and her eyes were a startlingly bright green. She was small and looked almost fragile, but her expression was fierce, telling all of us she was not one to mess with. She appeared to be older than I was, but not by much.

“That’s Ginger, she’s the best student in her year,” Simon informed me.

“And she’s pretty slutty too,” Eros commented with a little wave at the girl in question. “She’s pretty hot, but I like it better when the girl is a challenge. I get bored pretty easily.”

I chose to ignore that comment and took in the last person to enter the room. It was a tall, muscular guy with long brown hair that was so messy I could hardly see his dark eyes underneath it. His eyebrows were as thick and heavy as his hair and he seemed to be hairy overall. He was tanned, so much so he was either partly African or he spent most of his time in the sun. Seeing how the sun hadn’t shown itself much the past couple of weeks, I guessed it was the former.

“Milford!” Eros said, surprised. “How nice to see you!”

They gave each other one of those weird handshakes that seemed to involve a lot of stomping each other just for fun. Milford came over to stand next to us and there was a sweaty smell around him that he’d tried to cover up with deodorant but failed horribly. There was no blackness around him, no glow and no feel of magic. I figured he must be a werewolf.

The bald man that had been standing in the room all along scraped his throat to get our attention. “Students, as all of those who were invited to this meeting have arrived, I propose we should start.”

Simon and I locked eyes, raising our eyebrows at the same time. This man was talking way too formally and he had a very disturbing English accent. There was just something about it that made my skin crawl.

“You have been selected by the School Committee, as you all know, because of your special qualities.” He managed to make the word qualities sound like something you shouldn’t want to have. Like it was a contagious disease or something. “In this first meeting, the general idea is that all of you gifted students-“ Apparently, to be gifted was a bad thing too. “-tell something about yourself and show us your special talent.

Supernatural Boarding School #1 - A Bond of Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now