Chapter 56

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Simon’s point of view

When I woke up on Sunday morning, the first thing I heard was music. I grunted, already in a mood; Guido must have put his iPod in the dock station again, instead of using the earphones I’d given him to try and give him a very obvious hint about not waking me up with music in the weekends.

I was already halfway up when I recognized the song – I lowered the pillow I’d been clutching to throw at Guido’s face. 

Two is better than one. I would recognize that song everywhere; it had haunted me ever since she’d sung it with Eros. I could hear her voice in my mind now, singing that horrible song all by herself. She felt more relaxed than she’d felt all week and I recognized the feeling immediately: she was in the shower. A vision of Demona in the shower made my cheeks flush bright red and had my blood boiling… But why was she singing his song?

Grunting again, I threw myself back in bed and put the pillow over my head. But while this might’ve helped if it had been Guido blasting music, it didn’t keep her voice out of my head. When the song was over, she didn’t pick a new one. She kept repeating this one over and over again while she was showering, and even when I felt her drying off, she kept humming. It was more than bad: it was torture.

What had happened while I was asleep to bring this on? What had he done to make her happy again, to make her sing their song? I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know…

Demona’s point of view


When I was done showering, I decided to dress elaborate. I put on my red Christmas dress with the black heels – the clothes I’d worn when Simon had kissed me for the very first time. If I was going to get to him, this would do the trick just fine.

“Wow, where are you going?” Paulie asked when she saw me. “A ball?”

I spun around so she could see the entire outfit. “I’m on a mission,” I informed her. “Wish me luck.”

“In that outfit, you won’t need any luck,” Sam mumbled with the tiniest hint of a smile playing around her lips. She was obviously happy with having the old Demona back; Sam hadn’t dealt well with all of the crying at all.

I could feel Simon leaving his room, in the company of Antwan and Will I guessed. I bowed to my roommates and whished them a nice day they before I left for breakfast. Time to get this show on the road…

When I entered the cafeteria, I saw a lot of people looking at me. I wasn’t the only one dressed up, but I was definitely the only one looking like I was attending a Christmas formal – in January.

“Damn girl, you look dapper,” Carl commented when I walked past with my tray.

I smiled at him and greeted Angie and Georgie, who were engaged in a very serious conversation with Eve and Drew about the recent developments in the show Game of Thrones. The past week, Eve and her friends had welcomed me back at their table with open arms. I hadn’t sought out their company much after the first few weeks of school .I’d had my own friends to sit with: Simon, Antwan, Will and Minnie. But with the fallout I’d been having with Simon, I hadn’t had a place to sit. Eve had waved me toward her immediately the first day and her friends had pretended like it wasn’t strange at all for me to seek them out all of a sudden. I was sure Eve had filled them in on the break-up, since no one had asked me any questions or ever brought up Simon.

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