Settling Down

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A few months later Maya could confidently say that her father was settling in nicely to their new life. There had been a bit of a rough adjustment period but overall she thought he had handled it amazingly. And Jasper had gone above and beyond, stepping in to help her dad with his control and teaching him all he needed to learn.

Though honestly she thought the hardest part for her dad had been moving away. He was never one to travel but unfortunately staying in Forks was not an option for them. Which is why her family had helped to stage their deaths. Maya and her dad, with help from everyone, had packed up everything they wanted to take with them before staging a house fire.

It had burned hot and fast and by the time the fire department had arrived the house had been beyond saving. After it had been put out and the "bodies" of her dad and her had been removed, Carlisle had used his sway in the hospital to get permission to preform the autopsies himself. 

Apparently he had spun some story about Jasper being so heartbroken at the loss of his girlfriend that he had begged Carlisle to preform it so that he could be sure she was properly cared for. Emmet had teased Jasper to no end about this and the big guy had spent the next few day sporting cracks because of it.

But in the end it all went off without a hitch. The funeral was held a few days later with the whole town coming out to mourn the loss of their sheriff. Although Charlie had been sure to reach out to Billy and tell him what was really going on so the poor man would not have to grieve for another dead friend so soon after losing Harry.

Maya had watched it from the trees as the Cullens all came out to mourn them, Rosalie and Alice putting on a beautiful display of fake tears and sobbing. And Jasper had definitely earned himself a night of fun and cuddling in the bedroom after having to stare at a grave marked with his mate's name for over two hours.

However, Maya's favourite part of the whole ordeal was the fact that Forks was a small town that thrived on gossip. Since as far as everybody knew Bella and Edward were still on their honeymoon, they had only needed to put two bodies in the house. As such given that Bella and Edward didn't show up for the funeral the whole town was convinced that either Bella was a horrible daughter and sister who didn't care about her family at all or she and Edward were the ones that set the fire. Maya honestly didn't care which rumour people believed. Both set Bella up as the bad guy and Maya thought it was the least the bitch deserved for what she had put them all through and what she had done to her father.

Speaking of the two though, Bella and Edward had been caught by her siblings as they were attempting to cross over into Canada. Maya had been shocked that they were still so close, but apparently the two delusional fools had been convinced that all would be forgiven and had been hanging around waiting for everything to simply "blow over". It hadn't been until Edward picked up on the minds of her siblings that the idiots realized that they were in serious trouble and tried to run.

Not that it mattered. With Demetri after them, backed up by Alec, Jane and Felix, they stood no chance. The two had tried to put up a fight but it had been, in Felix's words, "Pathetic at best and down right embarrassing to fight against at worst". So now the two were locked up in the dungeon of the Volturi's castle serving out their sentence. Which honestly had surprised Maya. She had been sure that her mothers and uncles had only talked about imprisonment as a way to appease her father while secretly giving her siblings orders to kill the two and make it look like an accident.

But no, apparently this was part of her uncles' new idea for punishment. Vampires would be locked up for a length of time that depended on the severity of their crime and starved. They would apparently receive just enough blood to stop them from completely losing their minds, but not enough to quench their thirst or stop the burning in the back of their throat.

Or at least that was the idea anyways. Her uncle Caius had admitted to her that not much was known about the affects long term starvation had on a vampire so Bella and Edward would be their test subjects. Which Maya was okay with. Either the two would serve out their sentence and come out of it reformed and people who were capable of understanding that actions had consequences or they wouldn't and they would screw up again and be killed. She didn't care which end awaited the two as she was officially washing her hands of them. She had a mate, her in-laws, her family and now best of all, a father that she would never have to say goodbye to. She had no time to worry about two fools that refused to grow up.

She may not know exactly what the future held (and if Alice did she wasn't sharing) but Maya wasn't concerned. Instead she focused on living in the moment with her big family and absolutely perfect mate.

Author's Note:

And that's a wrap folks! This is the official end to Maya and Jasper's story. I know a lot of you wanted Bella dead, but I honestly couldn't find a way to do that without upsetting Charlie. Bella may be a disgrace of a daughter (both in my book and the original story) but I couldn't see him being in any way okay with her dying. Which is why I found this lovely compromise which I thought was kind of a twist to the usual ending of Bella bashing stories. Though to give credit where credit is due, I'm pretty sure the idea of doing this came from 'The Originals' TV show when Marcel would stick vampires that broke his rules in the "garden" for a few years to let them desiccate as punishment.

Seriously though, thank you all so much for reading my book and all the lovely comments and votes! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Maybe in the future I may add in other chapters as there were a few scenes/ideas that I wanted to write out but couldn't figure out where they fit or had to cut short. Namely, her wedding with Jasper and maybe a few short chapters about her childhood with the Volturi. But to be honest I have a new idea for a book and am pretty focused on getting that writing started. I've read a few fanfics that are crossovers and want to try writing one of my own so I will be busy writing a crossover between Harry Potter and Twilight as those are two that I know pretty well.

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