Lazy Summer Day

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It was a rare sunny day in Forks, which meant that the Cullens were at home where they couldn't be spotted by humans. Maya and Bella had also joined them. Maya because Charlie was working that day and she was bored. While Bella was there because she had become a permanent fixture at Edward's side.

They were all out in the back yard, the boys wrestling with each other as the girls watched on from the deck, chatting and cheering them on. Maya was especially enjoying the snack Esme had made her and Bella and was quizzing Esme on the recipe she had used to get them to turn out so well.

The conversation was interrupted though as Jasper once again knocked one of his brothers to the ground. Emmet slowly stood up from where Jasper had put him, accepting Jasper's hand up and turned to face the girls.

"Yo Kitty! Why don't you come down and join us? If you can take James on, surely you can fight us?" Emmet called from the side of their make shift ring. Jasper let out a growl at this. Though it had been over a month since the incident it still angered him to think of how that bastard had hurt his Darlin'.

"I wouldn't dare try and take you guys on! After all it's not like I was actually trying to win when I fought James." Maya called down jokingly, though her tone turned serious at the end. Even now, the fact that she had been unable to do much against James still bothered her.

"That makes no sense. Why fight if you are not trying to win?" Emmet cocked his head to the side looking as if the whole concept was completely ridiculous.

"It was pretty clear from the start that I was outmatched. So, I was only trying to stall him and prevent serious injuries long enough for the calvary to arrive."

Jasper felt his unbeating heart flutter. It made the vampire in him growl in satisfaction to know that his mate trusted him like this to show up when she needed him to take care of the danger and protect her.

"Speaking of, can I actually call you the Calvary Jas? After all, you were once part of it." Maya questioned in fake innocence setting Emmet off.

"Yes! That's your new nickname! From now on you will be the Calvary for how you took care of that dude!" Emmet crowed happy to have something new to tease his brother about.

"Thanks a lot Darlin', now I am gonna have to put up with this for the next month" Jasper drawled.

"You're welcome my love" Maya said with a mock salute.

"Wait. Edward was the one to defeat James" Bella piped up with suddenly. The only thing she had said to them since arriving.

"No, he didn't" Maya corrected.

"Yeah, he did, I saw him. He was the first to arrive." Bella argued, not willing to allow her fantasy of Edward heroically killing James to save her to be lost.

Bella glanced over at Edward waiting for him to speak up, but he was looking away from her and the rest of them. He had purposefully never corrected her when she had assumed that he had been the one to kill James. He had loved the way that she looked at him when it was brought up and had not been willing to admit that Jasper had been able to so easily do what he had struggled with.

"Oh yeah, no. By the time we all got there Eddie was getting pounded by Jamie boy. So, I jumped into help and me and Edward were going at him until Edward ran off to you. Then the Calvary here jumped in. He got so pissed at seeing his girl hurt that he beat the hell out of James and tore him apart himself without the guy ever even managing to land one hit" Emmet explained. He understood the feeling of wanting to protect your mate. After all if someone hurt his flower he would do the same to the bastard and he respected Jasper and Major for what they had done. Not to mention Major had looked totally badass wailing on the guy.

Maya let out a clap to break the tension that was settling as Bella glared at them all in turn. "Anyways back on point; I will not be dirtying this outfit by rolling in the dirt with you boys today."

This caused everyone save, Bella and Edward who were still upset about the truth of James' death being discussed, to laugh as she struck a regal pose and sipped her drink. Soon the boys got back to their play fighting while the girls talked and Bella sulked.

Over the weeks Bella had been growing increasingly frustrated and jealous with the way Maya fit in with the Cullens. She had been so sure that once the family got to know her they would like her better than the stray her parents had picked up but that had not happened. (The thought that in order for them to warm up to her she actually had to talk with and interact with them never occurring to her.)

She was also beginning to become angry that Edward refused to turn her. She knew she was destined to be immortal, to be young and beautiful forever. What she couldn't understand was why Edward kept refusing her. So, she sat there for the afternoon, ignoring the conversations around her to focus on thinking of ways in which she could convince him or any of the other Cullens to change her.

~Anyone else feel like Edward does not make it clear to Bella in Twilight that he was not the one that killed James. Yes, it's not a big deal, but we also see him tell Victoria in Eclipse that he was the one to kill James. Which kind of upset me. I mean credit where credit is due, dude. You can't just claim to be the winner when you weren't. Also, when your family helps you out and kills the guy after your girl, you should at least acknowledge that. So yeah, short chapter, but I felt it had to be acknowledged, even if I did change up the fight with James a little bit to make it one-on-one~

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now