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When Monday rolled around, Maya was once again seated in the front of Jasper's pick-up as they headed to school.

"Are you ever going to stop sulking?" Jasper asked, taking his eyes off the road to look over at her. He smiled at the sight. She had her shoes kicked off and was curled up on the seat leaning against the window with an adorable pout on her face.

"How am I supposed to do that? First Victoria gets away from us. Then you tell me we have to spend our time studying because we have a math test today. And to top it all off, the test is first thing!"

Jasper laughed at her dramatics as he pulled into the parking lot and parked. "I suppose that would make it hard to stop sulking. In fact, there is probably nothing I could possibly do that could make it better." He faced her as he said this and slid an arm around her, pulling her onto his lap. He brought a hand up to tilt her chin so that she was looking at him.

Maya smiled at that. "Now, don't go selling yourself short Cowboy. I can think of plenty of things that would make me feel better."

"Oh yeah? And what might they be?" he murmured as he leaned down to brush his lips across hers.

"Well you could kiss me" Maya replied just as quietly before pulling him forward to connect their lips.

He smiled into the kiss, pulling her closer as he did and deepening it. They both sank into the kiss, enjoying the moment where the only thing that mattered was each other.

It didn't last long though as Emmet got bored and knocked on the car window causing them both to jump and move apart.

Reluctantly they both got out of the car as Emmet teased them. Exiting just in time to see Jacob pull up on his bike.

"Oh this is going to be good." Maya said, rolling her eyes in exasperation as she watched Edward and Bella make their way over to him.

"Let's just head to class" Rosalie suggested, wanting to be far away from the inevitable drama.

Emmet sent her a pout. "Aw don't you want to stay and watch the show Babe? Maybe this time they'll actually throw some punches!"

"Please Emmet" Jasper cut in, "even Edward isn't stupid enough to start a fight in public like this."

"With the way he's been acting, don't count on it" Rosalie practically snarled before turning to march towards the school.

Maya giggled at her comment as Jasper wrapped an arm around her waist and began to lead her towards the school.

Alice walked along behind them, glancing over her shoulder as she did. "Come on guys. Don't you think you're being just a little too hard on Edward?" 

The other members of their family might be in the process of accepting that the brother/son they loved was disappearing right before their eyes, but she still held out hope that he would realize what he was doing and change. That she would get her brother back from the selfish jerk he had turned into.

"Not really. This whole love triangle mess would be solved if Bella would just pick one or if Edward told her to make a decision. But neither of them will do that, which means that we are all left to suffer along with them" Maya told Alice as she shot her a look that said 'kill me now'.

Alice rolled her eyes. "Edward can't just tell Bella to make a decision."

Jasper gave a scoff of disbelief. "Sure he can. That girl is so desperate for immortality and obsessed with him that he could tell her to do pretty much anything and she would do it."

Alice opened her mouth the defend Bella, but closed it again, knowing that what Jasper had said was true.

The group carried on in silence and had just reached their first class when Edward caught up to them.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now