Do We Even Have a Plan B?

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After leaving Maya's, Jasper sped home to inform them of the new development, mentally preparing himself for the inevitable fight that would break out. He found everyone gathered in the living room when he got home, curtsy of Alice no doubt and he wasted no time in breaking the bad news to them.

"Bella knows about us" He stated bluntly, seeing no reason to beat around the bush.

"What the hell do you mean she knows?!" Rosalie growled.

"Language" Esme chided absently, focusing mainly, like everyone else, on the problem at hand.

"I have no idea how she found out, but I was with Maya and Bella came bursting into her room yelling 'vampire' before she saw me and left."

"Did you scare her?" Edward asked, Jasper picking up on the anger building up in him.

"No" he drawled, "she walked in on Maya and I making out, causing Maya to yell at her to get out, which she did."

Emmet laughed at that, "ha you got cock-blocked!" Rosalie smacked him in the arm for that, making him let out an "ow" and rub it dramatically as Jasper shot him a glare.

"Are you sure she knows?" Carlisle questioned, trying to get the conversation back on track.

"Not for certain, but why else would she be talking about vampires? She has been obsessed with us since day one. Maya says that she hardly talks about anything else and is always asking her questions about us" Jasper said tiredly, rubbing his hands over his face.

If he was being totally honest, he was almost glad that the human had figured it out. It meant that they would finally be forced to do something about it, which would hopefully put an end to all the fighting in his family.

"Well now we have to kill her." Rosalie sighed and leaned back, "this would have been so much less trouble if you just let me deal with it at the beginning."

"Deal with it?! You can't just kill her!" Edward yelled.

"She knows about us! We've been exposed!" Rosalie fired back.

"That doesn't mean we can kill her!"

"Well if you didn't want to kill her then you should have done a better job at avoiding her and covering up YOUR mistake!" Edward let out a snarl at Rosalie's words, unwilling to admit that it was indeed his fault.

"She's my mate!" Edward declared, desperation rolling off him.

Everyone looked at him questioningly at that, not really believing him. For vampires they knew if the person was their mate right away and the idea of hurting them was too repulsive to even contemplate. Which meant that given how Edward was reacting, not realizing it sooner and having to desperately fight the urge to kill the human, the possibility of them being mates was almost nonexistent.

Rosalie let out a scoff, "So what's your plan then? Tell her about us, thereby dragging her into this world and practically ensuring that she dies a horrible death? Or worse putting our family in danger and risking our lives should the Volturi find out about this?"

Emmet nodded along with his wife, "Yeah Eddie, I mean I got nothing against humans, but this just doesn't seem like its going to end well."

"Of course that's what you would say! You never have an original thought of your own and always just agree with what she tells you to" Edward growled, gesturing between Emmet and Rosalie.

Esme and Alice sucked in a breath at that, though there had been a number of fights these past few weeks and harsh words exchanged, they were still constantly shocked by Edward's ability and willingness to verbally attack his family.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now