Tag is Back on

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School was the same as always although the Cullens, and Maya and Bella by association, were receiving more looks due to their sudden return. What truly made today different though was that at lunch Alice dragged Maya and Jasper with her over to the table Bella and Edward were sitting at with Jessica, Eric, Mike and Angela.

Usually the three sat with Rosalie and Emmet at their old table, while Edward sat with Bella and her human friends. Mostly because Maya and Rosalie struggled to stay civil with those two. Maya may have only just declared that she would no longer put up with Bella and her shit today, but when those two annoyed her she was never afraid to show it. Which made for some very uncomfortable lunches and given that Emmet, Jasper and Alice always took the side of Maya and Rosalie, it had just become an unspoken rule that Edward and Bella couldn't sit with them. As such Maya and Jasper were confused at this change until Alice opened her mouth practically the moment she sat down.

"I've decided to throw a party!"

"After all, how many times are we going to graduate High School?" Jasper joked, easily going along with Alice and her mood. Which earned a laugh from Maya.

"A party? At your place?" Angela asked.

"I've never seen your house" Jessica stated.

"No one's ever seen their house" Eric reminded her.

"Another party Alice?" Edward whined.

"It'll be fun" Alice said, defending her idea.

"Yeah. That's what you said last time" Bella said rudely. Maya's head whipped around to face Bella then and her foot shot out to kick Bella in the shin, causing her to yelp.

Maya meant it when she said she was done with letting Bella get away with saying whatever she wanted. She was no longer going to limit her comments to when Bella said something truly stupid or mean. And who knows, maybe she could Pavlov the girl she lived with into being kind by teaching her to associate pain with the mean comments she said.

Just as Maya began to smirk at the thought, Alice got lost in a vision. Maya was quick to distract the humans by asking if Angela, the only one she was really friendly with, wanted help with her invitations. Meanwhile, Jasper was paying attention to Alice's emotions and growing concerned. Whatever she was seeing, it was not good. He subconsciously pulled Maya and his sister closer to him and Maya placed her hand on his arm in comfort. Alice eventually came out of her vision and carried on like normal, signalling them that they would talk about it later when there were less people around.


During study session, Maya and Jasper finally managed to find a place where they could talk with Alice undisturbed and unheard by humans. They were all sitting in a currently unoccupied classroom with the door locked.

"So what did you see?" Maya asked the minute they were settled, unable to contain her curiosity any longer.

"Victoria. I saw her running through the woods near here this weekend." Alice stared off into nothing, her eyes unfocused as she attempted to see more.

"Really? Sweet! My game of tag is back on!" Maya did a fist-pump as both Jasper and Alice turned to stare at her with looks of worry.

"What do you mean 'back on' Darlin'?" Jasper asked in a deceptively calm voice. He had a feeling he knew what she meant and the thought of it scared the hell out of him.

Maya blushed and looked down. She had forgotten that she had never told him about Victoria being back in town. "Well ... while you guys were away Victoria showed up a few times. When she began to kill hikers the wolves and I would chase her off. It was kind of like a new game of tag." She finished with a bright smile, hoping to get rid of any worries they had, but from their looks it was clear she had failed.

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