Jasper's Morning

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It was a morning just like any other for Jasper. The night before he had played video games with Emmet for a while before heading off to his room to do some reading just like he always did. What was not normal though was that as the sun began to rise, not that you could see it through the clouds, Alice barged into his room shouting "she's here!"

"What?" he growled not happy at being disturbed.

"Your mate! Your mate is here! I finally got another vision of her and she starts at school today with us!"

Jasper felt his heart soar at this as he let out an involuntary growl of pleasure. When he had first met Alice, she had told him that if he came with her to join the Cullens he would eventually meet his mate. However, as the years passed and she did not get another vision of her, he had begun to lose hope. Now all of a sudden, she was here. Well, not here, here. But in town and going to the same school as him. He was going to get to meet her today!

All of a sudden, nerves overtook him. What would he say? What if she was human? What if he hurt her? What if she didn't like him?

While these thoughts ran through his mind, Alice made a dash for his closet. "The first thing we need to do is make sure that we all make a good impression and the first step of this is fashion" she declared as she began to throw clothes at him. "Put those on and hurry up so we can get to school!"

Jasper did as told and hurried to get ready, joining his siblings as they piled into Emmet's Jeep and Edward's Volvo to head to school. When they got there, Jasper looked around, sad that he didn't see her. Though he could pick up the scent of something that smelled absolutely divine and made his mouth water. It wasn't food. The very thought made him sick. No, this scent called to him, dared him to seek out its source. And when he found them, he knew he would protect, cherish and love them with all his heart.

"I don't see her. She must have already headed in or be running late" Alice commented sadly.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to be encouraging him to get involved with a human?" Rosalie questioned.

"Rose they're meant to be. They're mates. Could you imagine being happy with anyone other than Emmet?"

She sighed, unable to argue with her sister's reasoning, but still wary. "I just hope you're right Alice."

They all headed into school then, Jasper still picking up traces of the scent but not finding its source as he went to class. By the time lunch rolled around, he was ready to tear apart the whole school just to get a glimpse of her as her scent continued to tease him. He would catch hints of it in the hall and his siblings would practically have to drag him to his next class to stop him from tearing off to go find her.

However, it would appear as if that was unnecessary as when they entered the cafeteria, he could hear Jessica talking about their family. Given that everyone in town already knew about them, he realized that that she must be telling the only new person in town; his mate. He quickly looked over and saw the most stunning woman he had ever seen sitting there. She had long silky black hair, with bright green eyes that seemed to almost glow and her body was fit, toned and most definitely female. He knew with certainty that this was his mate, the one he had been waiting for.

(hey sorry if this was not how you were picturing her and I know I said I would keep descriptions to a minimum like her hair and eyes for her feline appearance. But my brain just went; "wait she's a shifter, don't they bulk up when they shift in this universe?" So yeah, cue the toned and fit description. Plus I didn't think dear old uncle Caius would let her be anything less than in shape as he would want her able to defend herself in a fight. So yeah, I'm picturing her in great shape because of that, but feel free to ignore this and imagine her however you would like)

As he sat down, he immediately reached out with his gift, wanting to know how she was doing. He found a confusing mix of excitement, boredom, curiosity, irritation, mischievous intent and calmness. He was absolutely intrigued, wanting to know all about what had caused these feelings and how she could be feeling such conflicting emotions all at once.

"Is that her?" Emmet asked and Jasper simply nodded his head in response as he listened in on their conversation along with the others.

They all chuckled at Edward's face as he approached when he heard that he was not her type, although Jasper was secretly relieved. He perked up again when he heard his name, thinking she was asking about him, only to deflate as she made it clear she did not care and only wanted to know about Rose.

Rosalie who was also listening in, smiled. "You know I think I might actually like this girl."

"Perfect, I finally find my mate and she prefers my sister" he grumbled. They all laughed at this.

"Oh Jas, don't get too down. You have math with her next!" Alice consoled. His head shot up at that, catching sight of her leaving and he was quick to get up and follow her, arriving just after she did.

Checking out the seating plan, he realized that he was seated next to his mate, who's name was apparently Maya. It made him happy to know he would get the chance to observe her up close and actually talk to her.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now