Fun Talks

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"Hey Bella you got a minute" Maya asked as she came downstairs and saw Bella messing around the kitchen. It had been a few days since the battle and as the Cullen house began to fill with magazines for the upcoming wedding, Maya felt the need have a chat with Bella about it. Especially as her dad grew more and more upset that Bella was seemingly rushing into this marriage right out of school.

"No" Bella snapped, not wanting to talk to her.

"Please, it'll just take a minute."

Bella rolled her eyes. "Fine. What do you want?"

Wow, you certainly make trying to help you fun Maya thought before taking a deep breath. "Are you completely sure you want to marry Edward now?"


"I just mean that you have all of eternity. Are you sure you want to rush into this? A few weeks ago, you didn't want to get married and I just think that you shouldn't let Edward pressure you into it by holding him turning you over your head. Marriage is something you have to want to do for yourself. Not anyone else."

As Maya watched Bella's face darken, she wished she could be anywhere else. Did she want to be having this conversation with her? No. But she also didn't think that anyone else would. As modern as the Cullen's were, she was pretty sure their ideas on marriage were still a little dated. Especially because over the years the only real experience they had with it was between mates, where it not working out was never something they had to consider. So who cared when you married. Which meant that she felt she had to be the one to speak up and remind Bella that marriage was not a requirement for becoming a vampire. Even if she was only doing it for her dad and his reputation around Forks.

Bella may not care how her actions when Edward left had affected their dad, but she did. She could still picture the embarrassed look on his face every time they were out and overheard someone in the town gossiping about how he wasn't doing enough as her father by letting Bella mope about like that or not supporting her enough. More than once it had only been his hand on Maya's shoulder that had stopped her from lashing out at those people both verbally and physically.

Maya was determined to at least try and talk Bella out of this wedding so that her dad wouldn't have to deal with being the father of the girl who got hitched right out of high school. Knowing this town, the people would probably turn it into a teen pregnancy scandal or something. A rumour that would only be fuelled by the fact that Bella would be turned on her honeymoon and thus unable to go out in public before they moved away.

Though as Bella glared at her, she began to wish she had someone she could have left this discussion to so that she wouldn't have to deal with it. She just knew this was going to turn into a fight.

"What the hell do you think gives you the right to talk to me like that! I know what I want and I'm going to get it! I'm going to marry Edward, become a vampire and join the Cullens! I'm going to get everything I deserve and you're not going to stop me!"

"That's not what I'm trying to do Bella" Maya cut in tiredly. "I just want you to think. Marriage is a big step and I want you to be sure before you take that step. To stop and think for a moment about how this affect dad before its too late."

"Well I am sure and my marriage has nothing to do with dad so you can just fuck off and leave me alone" Bella spat.

"Great, Good. I'm glad. That's all I wanted to check before we got too far into the planning." Maya turned, ready to head back to her room before she hit the girl.

The fact that Bella couldn't even look past her own wants and desires long enough to recognize how her actions might impact her own father enraged Maya to no end and she wanted out before she did something permanent. Like kill Bella. Something she wouldn't regret and admittedly had dreamed of doing many times. But as always, the thought of how sad and upset her father would be if she did stopped her and forced her to walk away. Claws digging into her palms with how hard she worked to fight down the urge and she slowly and deliberately moved away from the human. However as she reached the doorway of the kitchen, Bella spoke up again stopping her.

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