Going on the Run

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The minute they got back to the house, Maya headed up to Jasper's room to begin throwing things into a bag for them both. Rosalie did the same for herself, Emmet and Alice, while Esme packed for her and Carlisle. They had no idea what the plan was, but wanted to be prepared in case they all had to take off as soon as possible. While they were doing that, Jasper and Carlisle checked around the house for signs of James while they waited for Edward, Alice and Emmet to return with Bella.

They all worked in tense silence before it was broken by the sound of Maya's phone going off. She jumped in shock before reaching over to answer it. "Hey Dad what's up?"

"Maya, do you have any idea what happened with Bella and Edward?" He asked, an odd tone in his voice.

"What do you mean?" She stopped moving then, wary of what they had told him. She had wanted to keep her father out of this and not worry him, which is why she had planed on simply not telling him anything. She was already set to spend the weekend with the Cullens and figured that Bella would simply say that she was doing the same. That way they would be free to hunt James without having to upset their dad.

"Bella came home upset and declared that she was breaking up with Edward and heading back to Phoenix!"

Maya stood there stunned for a moment. "She what?!"

"Yeah, she said she didn't want to get stuck here like her mom almost was and then took off in her truck" he explained, sadness coating every word.

"I'm going to kill that idiota" Maya growled, "I'm going to skin her alive and make a rug out of her."

"No, Maya calm down. If she doesn't want to live here that's her choice" Her dad reasoned. Although from his tone, Maya could just picture the heartbroken look on his face.

"Oh, I highly doubt its that she doesn't want to live here. The real reason is supernatural shit" Maya spat angrily.

"What do you mean?! Why would she lie?!"

"Most likely because Eddie boy never told her that you were in the know. So, she figured that hurting you was the best answer to getting you to allow her to leave fast." At this point Maya was contemplating joining up with James to tear those two idiots apart for hurting her dad as they had.

"You two aren't in any danger, are you?!"

"No we're both safe as can be" Maya reassured him, mentally wincing at having to lie to him, "we just got to take off for a day or two to deal with something and then we will be back."

"But you guys will be safe right?" He had calmed down a fair amount, reassured that Maya knew what she was doing, but was still worried about his girls.

"Yeah, we'll be perfectly safe. The Cullens are coming with us and I'm sure that all of us together can somehow manage to keep danger prone Bella out of trouble" She joked, trying to ease his worries and make it sound less serious than it was.

He chuckled at that, "I'm not sure that's even possible. But just remember to look out for yourself too alright? I want both my girls home in one piece."

Maya smiled at that, "Don't worry Daddy, we'll be fine. Love you."

"Love you too sweetheart."

Just as she hung up, she heard the sound of Bella's truck pull up. Anger resurfacing, she hastily threw the rest of the clothes in the bag and zipped it shut. Breathing deeply in an attempt to rein in her temper, she marched down the stairs reaching the living room just as Laurent finished speaking and sped away.

"What did you do you cagna!?!" Maya yelled the moment she saw Bella.

Bella backed up behind Edward in fear as he reached out an arm to pull her close. "What are you talking about?" He questioned, glaring at her.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now