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"So what's the plan?" Maya asked Carlisle as she dropped down onto the sofa of the Cullen living room where almost everyone was gathered, the day after the wedding.

"Plan?" Carlisle asked, looking up from the card game he was playing with Esme.

Maya rolled her eyes. "I am neither blind nor deaf Carlilse. These past few days you've pulled back from keeping a constant eye on Edward and reprimanding him any time he acts out. So? What's the reason behind it? And please don't tell me it was just because it was his wedding because I was here when we all debated whether we should even help him have it or not."

Maya's words caught everyone's attention, even Alice's and Bree's who had been in their room organizing the new furniture they had bought together. Within seconds everyone was settled in the living room, watching their coven leader expectantly.

Carlisle sighed. He had been planning on telling them his plan, but had intended to do it tomorrow after they had all had a day to rest. "As of a few days ago I have put Edward on 'probation'. From what you have told me Maya, it is common for Coven leaders to remove members of their coven for a time. To send them away when they act out as form of learning and punishment. I wanted to do that with Edward. To let him experience and realize just how much we have been doing for him, but that is not an option right now." 

Rosalie opened her mouth to argue against it, but Carlisle held up a hand to stop her. "I know he has been trying to be around these past few months and not all of you would be against sending him away but we simply can't do that at the moment. Though Edward was the one to break the laws and tell Bella, I failed as the leader of this coven to stop him. Which means that I bare some of the responsibility along with him. Meaning that he must remain a part of this coven long enough for Bella to be turned and trained. These last few months have made it clear to me that Edward does not have what it takes to educate a newborn and so unfortunately that responsibility falls to us in order to ensure that no innocents are harmed if she loses control."

"That makes sense" Jasper conceded. While he may not believe that the Volturi would hold them accountable if Bella acted out as a vampire, he still did not want to risk her running wild and attacking people. He had enough guilt from his time as a human blood drinker and didn't need to add not stopping the annoying human before she killed someone to it.

"So why have you pulled back as Maya said?" Rosalie asked, understanding her father figures logic but not happy about it.

"Because I am going to use this time to see if he will mature. I will still be keeping a close eye on him, but I want to see what he will do. If he starts behaving better now that there is no danger to this family or Bella, I will not send the two of them away for too long. But if he continues to endanger this family or be horrible to us then I may have no choice but to remove him from our family permanently."

Everyone stared at Carlisle shocked. While they had all contemplated the idea of kicking Edward out so they wouldn't have to deal with Bella or the drama that followed those two around, no one had considered that Carlisle was thinking seriously about it. Even Bree, who had only been with them for two months and was already sick of the pair, was shocked.

"So no matter what the human is not joining our family?" Rosalie asked hopefully.

"She will for the first year while we ensure that she gains control, but after that? No, not for a while at the least."

"Yes!" Rose screamed, jumping up and down in excitement. "Alice plan a trip! We're going to Seattle to celebrate!"

"Already on it" Alice crowed, phone in hand as she googled possible places to stay and party.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now