Saving Edward

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After Alice's announcement it had been decided that Jasper, Alice and Bella would head to Italy to stop Edward. So now Jasper was waiting in the car for the human, wishing she would hurry up.

Bella came rushing out of the house, bag over her arm and Jacob following not far behind. They seemed to be having some kind of argument but Jasper blocked them out, not caring what they had to say.

As Bella got into the car, Alice did make an attempt to talk Bella out of coming, not wanting to endanger the human girl her brother cared for but Bella was stubborn and refused to listen. So being short on time Alice simply gave in.

"Jasper, can you get online and book us three tickets to Italy? One that leaves as soon as possible and will land as close to Volterra as possible." Alice asked. She had noticed how on edge he was about Maya being missing and needed to distract him so he didn't take off on his own. Her visions weren't telling her much but for some reason him being there was important.

Luck was with them as there was apparently one plane that was leaving soon. In the end they barely had to wait for any time at all before they were boarding and taxiing off down the runway. When they were safely in the air Jasper finally turned to face Bella and ask the one thing he had been wanting to ask since she walked through the door.

"Where is your sister?" He asked with more calmness than he actually felt.

"My sister? What does that matter right now? We have to focus on how we are going to save Edward!" Bella was confused as to why he would even bring that stray up at a time like this. Edward was far more important than anything else after all.

"Right now there is nothing to do, unless you can make the plane go faster. So I will ask again, where. Is. My. Mate?" The Major was dangerously close to coming out and snapping her neck at the way she had so simply dismissed Maya. The only reason he was able to hold back was because Bella might know where she was and it would upset Maya if Bella died. Or more accurately it would upset Charlie, which would upset Maya.

"I don't know I haven't really seen her these past few days. But I'm sure she's around somewhere." Bella waved her hand as if brushing the whole thing aside.

Her response and attitude just about sent Jasper and the Major into a rage and he had to clench his jaw shut and grip the arms of the seat to keep himself from killing her.

Seeing this, Alice was quick to jump in. "Bella, she hasn't been home in at least a week and you told us Victoria was hanging around." She hoped if she could get Bella to see the danger Maya was in her reaction might help calm Jasper down.

"So? She fought James. I'm sure she will be fine. We need to focus on helping Edward right now not tracking down that stray" Bella said carelessly.

Alice's hand shot out just in time to grab Jasper and stop him from lunging at the girl. For a second, she wondered if the scene in her head of the plane going down in flames as Jasper tore Bella apart was a vision or her own imagination. She gripped his hand and began muttering to him reassurances and promises in an attempt to calm him down. It worked but only just. He was still tense in his seat and remained silent for the whole flight, shooting glares at Bella anytime she talked.


When they landed, Bella and Jasper stood in the shade as they waited by the airport for Alice to come back with a car. Jasper still ignoring her completely as that was the only way he could keep himself from attacking her. When Alice finally arrived it was in a bright yellow Porsche and Jasper had to shake his head at the choice. He climbed into the front seat, leaving Bella the back as they sped off down the road weaving through traffic.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now