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The next morning as Jasper heard Charlie moving around downstairs getting ready to go he gently nudged Maya awake. Smiling as she simply batted his hand away, refusing to open her eyes.

"Go away" she grumbled.

"I can't Darlin'. We have school" He teased.

"No we don't. It's the weekend" she argued, still not opening her eyes.

"Sorry Darlin' but its definitely Monday."

"If it were Monday, you wouldn't be here. You would be getting your stuff" she mumbled, burrowing further into the blankets.

He snorted at that. "You forget Darlin' I practically live here now. I have enough with me that I don't have to run home for everything in the morning. Which unfortunately for you, means that it is indeed Monday and time to get up."

When all he got in return was some muttered words of denial, he sighed, rolled his eyes and unceremoniously dumped her on the floor.

She shrieked as she fell and then promptly scrambled up, tripping over the tangle of blankets still wrapped around her as she did in a failed attempt to attack him. She glared at him from her spot on the floor and he used that as his chance to get up, grab his clothes and escape to the bathroom.

By the time she made it down the stairs after getting ready he was plating up a simple breakfast of eggs, toast and bacon. "Since when do you cook?"

"I asked Esme to teach me how while we were away. I figure given the fact that my darling mate requires food it would be a good idea for me to learn to cook a few simple meals" he explained with a shrug.

Maya blinked at him is surprise. "You ... learned to cook ... just for me?" she asked slowly to make sure that she fully understood.

"Yeah" he confirmed, turning to face her just as she threw herself into his arms and brought him into a very hot kiss.

When they finally broke away, he let out a groan. "Now I really wish it was the weekend and we didn't have to go to school."

She laughed at that. "We could pretend that it is and head back upstairs so that I could show you my appreciation" she offered.

"How about you not" her dad said, coming into the kitchen.

Maya's face turned scarlet as she stuttered out a good morning to her father. "We were kidding about ditching school" she said with a look of innocence on her face that not even the most gullible of people would have bought.

"Uh huh, you know I'm starting to think that Jasper is the only good kid in this house."

Maya squinted at him, turning her head from side to side to look at first her dad then Jasper before turning back to her dad.

"What?" they both asked.

"Nothing. Just trying to figure out if I should tell you the truth about him dad, or allow you to believe this fantasy so that you continue to like him" Maya mused.

"Oh, I see how it is; blame it all on me" Jasper said with an eyeroll. "Keep that up and I won't feed you breakfast."

Maya stared at him for a second, judging how serious he was before turning to face her dad with a blinding smile on her face. "Jasper is the most perfect gentleman ever. He is super sweet and kind and would never in a million years even think about breaking a single rule."

Both men burst out laughing at that and Maya used it as her chance to steal the plate from Jasper's hand and head over to the table.

A little while later her dad left for work, Jasper following shortly after him to head home to grab his school bag and the lunch Esme had undoubtedly made for Maya. Which left Maya with a few minutes alone to clean up her breakfast and get her stuff together.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now