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After the battle had come to an end, Maya headed back behind a tree she had stashed clothes in and shifted back. She was just about to head out to help them burn the bodies when she heard a shriek and went running, scared that they may have missed a newborn.

What she saw instead was Alice hugging a short girl with long dark hair and grinning like a madman. Stopping in confusion, Maya turned to face Jasper. "Any idea what this is about?"

"Apparently, Alice's mate was with the army. She stayed out of the fighting though and seemed terrified so Carlisle and Esme spared her."

"Well, that was lucky." Maya kept her eyes on the pair, considering how close Alice had come to losing her mate before she even had a chance to know her.

Just then, they both saw Alice tense up as she went into a vision. Jasper could feel the worry rolling off her and was about to ask her about it when she turned to the wolves. "I need you to call Seth. Let him know that Edward and Bella have to get back here right away. The Volturi are coming."

Sam, still in wolf form gave a nod. Maya felt the tension build up within her now as she looked over at Alice and her new mate. While she didn't think that her family would harm the girl since she was a newfound mate, she did not want to take any chances. She began to think of ways in which she could convince her siblings to spare her, or worst-case trick them. Because she had no doubt that they were the ones that had been sent and would see their orders through.

Unfortunately, as different arguments and reasons flashed through Maya's mind, she came to the unfortunate conclusion that none of them would work if her siblings had been given the order to see the entire army destroyed. With a small sigh she resigned herself to fact that it only left her one option. This is probably one of the stupidest things I will ever attempt, lying to my family like this. But protecting Alice's happiness it totally worth it Maya reasoned silently.

She stepped forward then to catch the new couples attention. "Alice you and your mate, I'm sorry I have yet to get your name, need to switch jackets." At everyone's questioning looks Maya explained her reasoning. "While I'm like 99% sure that the Volturi will not harm her as she's your mate and they all know how important a mate is, I do know that because of their responsibilities they are forced to put the law above all else. She may not have had a choice in her turning, but depending on the current state of the vampire world, that may not matter. Especially given that they just finished dealing with a revolt in Asia. They may not be in a position to make an exception and certainly not towards us given that they have already given us a second chance after they found out Edward broke the laws and told Bella about us. As such to be safe you guys should switch clothes so that your scents mingle more." 

Maya turned to face Rosalie then. "Also are you wearing your crest under your coat by chance? If so, could you lend it to her? If you keep your coat zipped up, no one will know its yours and that way we can say she was part of the family before the battle."

Rosalie and Alice were quick to nod their heads in acceptance of this plan, rushing to make the changes that Maya suggested.

"Do you really think this will work?" Carlisle questioned.

"There is a really good chance that they won't even ask about her so long as we don't antagonize them. But if we somehow do, just leave the talking to me" Maya said with more confidence than she actually felt. Jasper reached out his hand to pull her close in comfort and she gave him a grateful smile just as Edward and Bella arrived.

Maya ignored them though and focused on Alice's mate, approaching her slowly, knowing this situation had to be overwhelming. She let go of Jasper a few steps away and motioned for him to stay back, not wanting to frighten her anymore than she already was.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now