Field Trip

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The next day when Maya awoke it was curled up in Jasper's bed with him next to her. She was about to snuggle in and enjoy the happiness that came with waking up in his arms when Alice waltzed into his room.

"Good morning! Time to get dressed for school!" she chirped as she walked straight into Jasper's closet.

Maya let out a groan, "is she always this cheerful in the morning?"

"Pretty much" he said with a chuckle.

Alice danced back out with two outfits in her hands, "you're lucky that you have clothes here Maya! Now get dressed, we have a field trip today."

Maya let out another groan as Alice skipped from the room and tried to hide in the blankets. Jasper smiled down at her, shaking his head in amusement before getting up to begin getting ready. Maya laying there for a few extra minutes as she worked up the energy to leave the bed before following him.

Jasper finished first and moved to the desk to pack their bags, not bothering to bring much as the field trip was going to take up most of the day. He turned around when he heard Maya come out of the bathroom and couldn't stop the smirk from rising to his face.

"What?" she questioned, making her way over to him.

"Nothing Darlin', I just love the look of you in my clothes." He allowed his eyes to roam over her, taking in the way his hoodie reached almost midthigh on her and the sleeves hung past her hands. He loved it when she wore his clothes, not only because it marked her as his to the boys at school, but because she was the one that chose to wear it.

"Well, that's good. Cause I love wearing them. There's has to be something magical about your hoodies because all of them are so damn comfy." She raised her arms to inspect it, as if the answer as to why they were would suddenly appear.

He just laughed and picked up both their bags, "come on, lets get you fed before we have to go." She smiled at that and happily followed him downstairs to the kitchen.

They found Esme already there, plating up a large helping of French toast, eggs, and bacon. "Oh, perfect timing. I just finished cooking everything and was about to call you."

"You really don't have to do this every time I stay over you know. I mean cereal is a decent breakfast" Maya said as she sat down.

"Nonsense. I love cooking and you give me an excuse to do it."

Maya laughed at that as she took her first bite, moaning as she did. "Esme you are a true goddess, a being beyond this world and if only you would let me, I would marry you right now."

Esme giggled at this and they could hear others laughing from various rooms in the house as Jasper rolled his eyes. Perhaps I should learn to cook he thought, not for the first time, it might be nice to see her moaning and drooling over something I made her.

"Trying to steal my wife away from me again?" Carlisle asked as he came into the room then, moving to give Esme a kiss on the cheek as he did.

"Pssh What would make you think that?" Maya said around her mouthful of eggs.

"Because you try to every time she feeds you" Carlisle reminded her with a smile.

"Hm, good point. But it is not my fault that your wife is an amazing chef" she claimed in defence, once again causing laughter to break out.

As Maya got up to deal with her dishes, something she insisted on doing given that they cooked for her, Esme handed her a lunch.

"You really are too good for this world. You do know that right?" Maya accepted the lunch and turned to place it in her bag.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now