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"We have to leave" Jasper stated. "Darlin' you stay here to help Bella pack, me and Alice will go check out and bring the car around. Whatever you do, don't let her leave this room until we come back. Okay?"

"Okay" both Alice and Maya agreed. Jasper gave Maya a quick kiss on the forehead before rushing out with Alice.

Maya and Bella were packing up their things, Maya doing more of it than Bella as she seemed to be moving slower than a snail. They worked in silence, until it was broken by the sound of Bella's phone ringing. When Maya heard Bella mention Renee, she headed into the bathroom to throw some stuff in a bag while the two talked. Renee had never wanted to talk to her before so she figured this time would be no different.

When she came out of the bathroom however, Bella looked panicked and Maya rushed over to her, "What's wrong?" she scanned the room to see if James had somehow gotten in or something, but they were still alone.

"It's my mom! He has my mom!" Bella practically yelled, panicking.

Maya groaned, of course because this situation was not complicated enough already. "Kay, lets just calm down. We can go get Jasper and Alice and then we can begin planning and find out if he really has her. Because honestly, I doubt he does. He has only just gotten here, there is no way he has had time to grab her."

"No! He said he has her and if I brought any vampires with us, he would kill her! We can't let them know! We have to go now to save her!"

"Sei Pazzo?! No scratch that. Are you honestly stupid enough to do exactly as this guy says? He's a uccisore! He will lure you there and then kill you and Renee! Worst case she's already dead. Best case, she's a liability that now knows about vampires. Either way; she's dead and you rushing off to meet him will not save her."

Maya just wanted to shake some sense into the girl for falling into this Tracker's trap so easily. She had promised their dad and herself that she would look out for Bella and protect her, but how was she supposed to do that when the girl was acting suicidal?

"Not me, us! He says we both have to come or he will kill her! Are you really willing to let my mother, the woman who raised you die?!" Bella honestly didn't care if Maya got hurt or killed, her only goal was to save her mom. Besides apparently Maya was some sort of supernatural freak, that meant that she would be able to handle James and protect her and her mom, right?

Maya stood there for a second grinding her teeth in frustration. She did not believe that James really had Renee, but could see there was no way to talk Bella out of rushing off to play the hero. Which meant short of knocking her out, there was no way of stopping her. An idea that was slowly growing more appealing as Bella continued to demand that Maya come with her on her suicidal mission to rescue Renee.

Counting to ten in her head, Maya clenched and unclenched her hands, letting out a sigh of defeat as she finished. "Fine, we'll go. But we are leaving them a note. That way they at least have some chance of making it to us before we die a horrible and pointless death.

Bella gave a small nod, which Maya did not see as she had already grabbed the pad of paper and pen to begin scribbling a note. She left it on the center of the coffee table and hoped that Jasper or Alice would see it and tell the family before it was too late for them. She had confidence in her abilities to protect herself thanks to her family, but she couldn't be sure she would be able to fight and protect Bella at the same time.

As they left the room, Maya grabbed Bella's arm and pulled her to the main stairs when Bella tried to head towards the emergency stairs.

"What the hell? We are supposed to be sneaking out! How can we do that if we take these stairs?!" Bella demanded.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora