Cullen's Leaving

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It was the third day after Bella's party and Maya was very concerned at this point. She knew that physically Jasper would be okay, vampires were practically indestructible, but she worried for his mental health. She knew how much he wanted to move on from his past. To prove to himself that he could control his thirst and this incident would have definitely upset him.

It also didn't help that she hadn't heard from any of them since the party. She had called and texted them all but none had picked up or replied. Not even Emmet had answered when she suggested they pull a prank night at the school.

At this point she desperately wanted to just drive over and check on them but she held off. It was obvious they were still dealing with what had happened and she didn't want to show up uninvited. So with reluctance she headed home instead of towards the Cullens when school let out.

She parked her car in the drive way and headed into the house. She was later getting home as she had driven around some to clear her head, so Bella's truck was already sitting in the driveway when she arrived. On the table she noticed a note from Bella but didn't bother to read it. While she knew it was unfair, she could not help blaming Bella just a little for what had happened. Because lord, how stupid did you have to be to hold up your bleeding cut to a room full of vampires?

Instead, she climbed the stairs to her room and closed the door, locking it as she did. Before she got the chance to turn around, a pair of arms encircled her from behind. She automatically leaned back into them, knowing instantly who they belonged to. She had missed the feeling of them these past few days.

"I've been worried about you Cowboy" Maya turned to face him, not leaving his arms.

"I have something to tell you Darlin'." He led her over to the bed so that they could sit and talk.

"If you are going to apologize for that night save it. You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, I blame Edward. You had it under control and he made the whole situation worse."

"Perhaps, but I was the one that lost control and attacked, so it is my fault. And if anything had happened to you, that would have definitely been my fault."

"No. You lost control of the bloodlust of six vampire's bloodlust, one of which was in the room with his bleeding bloodsinger. Seven if you count your own. You are strong cowboy and you have control, but I don't think anyone could have kept control when hit with that all at once. Which means that you can't blame yourself because if no one else could do it, how could you be expected to?"

"But that's just it, Darlin'. I am expected to because this is my gift" Jasper took a deep breath, dreading having to say what he was about to, "which is why I have to leave for a little while." He had spent the past three days thinking on it constantly. He had wavered so much between leaving for Maya's safety to gain control and staying so he didn't hurt her by stretching the mate bond that not even Alice had been able to predict what he would choose.

At the look on her face, he rushed to finish and reassure her. "Not forever! I could never leave you forever. But Edward wants to leave and I now know that I need to work on my control. Not just of my bloodlust but also my gift. My family and I are leaving Forks to give Bella a chance at a normal life. While we are gone, I will work on my control so that I don't have to worry about me losing control and hurting you if I lose control again. It will also give me the chance to work on controlling my gift so that being around too many people like in school doesn't bother me as much. Then when you graduate and are free to travel more, we can be together and explore the world, just like you want to okay? I promise I will be back to show you all the amazing sights of this world, just like you wanted." Jasper leaned his forehead against hers as he finished, hating himself for being the cause of the pain he could feel coming from her.

"So, you are leaving, but you are coming back? I am definitely going to see you again?" She put her arms around him to bury her face in his shirt as she cried, Jasper raising his hand to stroke her head.

"Of course, Darlin'. I could never let you go, not so long as I live. I love you far too much to ever do that."

Her lips met his in a searing kiss then as her hands wove into his hair. It was wet and sloppy, but it conveyed all her emotions; the sadness at him leaving, the pain of not being able to see him everyday, the love she felt for him, and finally the acceptance of what he had decided.

He kissed her back just as fiercely, sharing his own sadness at having to go, his overwhelming love for her, his guilt at not being strong enough, and his astonishment at her love for him.

When they finally broke apart, Maya gasping for breath, Jasper once again connected their foreheads. "I love you Darlin' and I will always love you. Never doubt that and never doubt that I will be coming back for you as soon as possible."

"I'll be waiting Cowboy. And I hope that you know that I love you too. No matter what, I will always love you."

He brought his lips down on hers one last time in a soft and gentle kiss. She closed her eyes to fully savour this last kiss and when she opened them again, he was gone. Nothing left to show that he had been there except an open window and a pile of his hoodies that he knew she loved to steal.

She let out a small laugh at the sight of them, even as tears continued to slowly fall down her cheeks. 5 seconds she thought falling to the ground, he's been gone for 5 seconds and already I want him back. How on earth am I supposed to last until graduation?

She stayed curled up on the floor like that, crying silently, the ach in her chest grew into an uncomfortable, borderline painful, tugging sensation as their bond was stretched to the limit. It made her feel cold inside and she hated that that was how it felt. Cold was supposed to what she associated with Jasper as his arms wrapped around her, not this empty spot in her chest that left her aching for him.

Eventually though she pulled her self together and off the floor when her dad came to knock on her door asking if she had seen Bella. Apparently, her sister had gone for a walk with Edward and never come home.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now