A Fun Day

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It was a rare day in Forks where the weather was both nice and warm. The Cullens and Swan girls had decided to spend it at a small lake that Rosalie had found while hunting one day. Though it wasn't very big, only about the size of a small swimming pool, it was deep and it had a rock cliff on the edge of it that was ten feet high that they could use as a jumping platform.

They all hung around as a group, either on floaties or swimming around as they talked and laughed. Except for Edward and Bella. The two, like usual, were in their own world and ignoring everyone else as they had been all summer.

At one point Emmet had challenged them all to a diving contest, which Jasper and the three girls had gladly agreed to. Carlisle and Esme kindly offering to play judges and give scores instead of participating.

It had been a lot of fun as each one tried to outdo the rest, coming up with better and better jumps and dives. Some of them doing flips, others cannon balls, and Rose even managed a perfect swan dive. However, at some point it had morphed into a contest of who could do the silliest jump instead of whose looked the best. This led to the them doing all sorts of whacky jumps ranging from striking action poses to belly flops. At one point they had even begun to toss each other off the cliff. They had placed two noodles in the middle of the lake to form an 'X' and were trying to see who could throw someone to land on it perfectly.

It had actually turned out to be harder than expected as wiggling people, especially those who were not expecting or ready to be thrown, did not tend to fly straight. It also didn't help that some of them tossed each other a little too hard, making them almost miss the lake entirely. Which had prompted Carlisle and Esme to put an end to the game.

So now Carlisle and Esme were floating together as they talked quietly, Jasper and Emmet were wrestling in the water, Bella and Edward were sitting on the side, and the girls floated in the middle of the lake chatting as they sprawled out on inflatable lounge chairs.

"So? How's it going with our dear brother?" Alice questioned Maya.

"Yes, is he being a gentleman?" Rose added.

Maya giggled, "yes, Jasper is a perfect gentleman ... outside of the bedroom at least."

Both girls perked up at this. "Oh, do tell" Rose wiggled her eyebrows.

"I won't say much," Maya teased with a smirk, "but I will say that it is always amazing."

"Mm yes, apparently there is nothing like sex between mates" Alice said wistfully. She knew she would be meeting her mate in about a year, but she really wished time would go faster sometimes.

"Don't worry Alice, she will be here soon and I guarantee that if she is your mate, then she is definitely worth the wait" Maya reassured.

Alice sighed, "I know but I wish I could meet her now. Especially because what she is wearing when I meet her? Ew no. I have to take her shopping for better outfits. But in the meantime, I already have some tucked away in my closet for her that will hopefully suffice until I can get to know her style better."

"Typical Alice, hasn't even met the girl and you're already shopping for her" Rose teased making them all laugh.

"You know I think its sweet. You may not have met her yet, but you already care for her and are trying in your own unique way to take care of her" Maya said with a smile.

"What do you mean unique?" Alice asked in mock anger. "Having clothes is important!"

"Yes, but that's all we really know about her. That when you meet her, 'she will not be dressed fashionably but will still look good'. Isn't there anything else you can tell us about her? You know so that your family can be ready to welcome your mate home with open arms" Maya prodded.

"That's just it!" Alice grumbled, "I don't really know anything else about her. My visions are very quick and don't tell me much."

"Maybe that's a good thing. It will give you a chance to get to know each other together as you spend time together" Rose pointed out. Maya nodded along in agreement

"Hey! Yeah! You're right! Maybe this is just my gift trying to help me!" Alice perked up at the thought, happy with the idea.

Just then movement out of the corner of Maya's eye caught her attention and she turned to look, Alice and Rose turning to follow her line of sight. Their eyes landed on Bella just as she slipped and fell sideways into the lake. She came up spluttering and Edward was quick to reach in and pull her out.

"Well, that was elegant" Rose snorted.

"Rose, be nice" Alice scolded.

"Why? It's not like she actually makes an effort with any of us" Rose refuted, still not happy with having the human hanging around. Especially as it became more and more obvious that she desperately wanted to be turned.

Alice attempted to make a few more excuses for her, but Maya stayed quiet. While she wanted to defend Bella, she had to admit that Rose had a point. Ever since Bella's first day of school she had been totally focused on Edward to the point of obsession where she ignored everyone else unless she needed something or they deliberately tried to engage with her.

Then the two had gotten together and had moved, given that they weren't actually mates, way too fast. At this point they seemed completely co-dependant on each other. Yes, mates were supposed to be close, being each other's perfect match but Bella and Edward took this to new heights and it was honestly starting to concern Maya a little bit. The two were pulling away from everyone else and she could tell it was hurting the Cullens to see Edward brush them aside as he had been doing. Just as it hurt her dad when Bella did it with him.

Alice clapped her hand together, "All right, change of topic. School begins again in a few weeks and we need some new clothes. Who's up for a shopping trip?" Rose and Maya laughed at that before agreeing to her idea. They spent some time planning it out, calling Esme over to invite her along with them.

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