Meeting the Cullens

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Apparently, Maya's wish that Edward and Bella would have the common sense to not agitate the rest of the family went unheard, as the very next day the two decided to announce their relationship publicly.

The rest of the family was gathered in the parking lot, wondering where Edward was as he had left earlier than them this morning, when his car pulled up. Unlike usual, he did not park next to them, but a few spaces down. They watched in confusion that quickly turned into anger, as he went around to the passenger side to help Bella out of his car.

They all watched as the pair entered the school, Edward walking with the typical grace of a vampire while Bella stumbled along trying to keep up with him.

"I'm going to kill him. Bad enough he is letting a human know of our existence, but now he is flaunting it for everyone to see?! Is he trying to draw attention to us and get us killed?!" Rosalie fumed.

Jasper just sighed, overwhelmed by all the emotions of his siblings and mate. "Lets just try and ignore them today. Give them a little space as we ... adjust to the situation" he reasoned. In all honesty he wanted to strangle Edward himself. Making such a public display, meant that if the Volturi ever found out, there would be absolutely no chance of any of them escaping punishment.

Nodding in agreement, the group silently headed into the school, splitting off to head to their various classes. When lunch came around, although no one said anything aloud, Maya was pretty sure that they were all glad that Edward chose to sit somewhere else with Bella instead of bringing her to their table. Even Alice for all that she was friendly and excited about the idea of having a new sister had some reservations given that Bella was not her brother's mate.

Biology that day was by far the worst class, as Maya and Jasper were forced to watch Edward and Bella spend the whole class with their heads together chatting quietly from their spot behind them. Thanks to their enhanced hearing they could hear everything the two were saying and it just made them cringe. Both Edward and Bella were very awkward in social situations, which made for one of the most cringe worthy attempts at flirting either of them had ever heard. Honestly at one point Maya had contemplated telling her family about Bella's knowledge herself if only to be spared the horrible torture that was sitting behind the couple. When the bell rang, Maya and Jasper were the first out of the class, desperate to get away from the pair and their awful attempts to flirt.


The rest of the week continued on in a similar fashion, with Edward ignoring his siblings completely for Bella. None of them were very happy about this, but slowly began to get used to it. Everything appeared to be slowly settling down. Until Edward announced his intent to bring her over the next day, reigniting the tension.

Carlisle and Esme attempted to be supportive and welcoming, Esme truly wishing to meet the girl that had captured her son's interest so fully.

Rosalie was once again furious now that Edward was bringing her to their home, while Emmet was more ambivalent. Yes, he thought it strange that Edward would want to be with a girl not his mate, but he had always been easy going and quick to forgive, so he was not as angry about it.

Alice was choosing to be excited to have another girl around, especially since she had seen visions of her, her sisters, and Bella hanging out together, she was convinced that they were going to be friends.

Jasper was frustrated with Edward's lack of care for his family and angry that there would be a human in the space that was supposed to be their escape from the world.

Maya meanwhile was confused. Bella was her sister, but that was in name only. Yet she still felt that she should be supportive of her. Only, she wasn't. Which left her feeling guilty that she was more concerned with how Jasper would handle having Bella's strong scent in their house.

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