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"Jasper!" Maya called, skipping into the Cullens family room, hands behind her back.

"What's up Darlin'?" he asked, still mostly focused on the video game he was playing with Emmet.

"You're a father!" she cried happily.

Jasper crushed the controller in shock as his head whipped around to face her, all thoughts leaving his head. The other Cullens, except Edward who was with Bella as she still was not welcome in their house, also froze at the news, unsure about how to react or what was even going on.

"That's ... not possible" Rosalie finally managed to choke out. The others quickly nodding in agreement, as Jasper remained unmoving, still in shock.

"Of course it is silly," Maya pulled her hands out from behind her to show them the tiny black kitten she had found abandoned in the woods earlier. "See? Isn't our child adorable?"

Everyone stared at her dumbfounded for a moment before breaking down in near-hysterical laughter. Jasper himself taking a breath in relief at the fact that he had not actually managed to do the impossible and procreate as a vampire.

"Darlin' where did you find it?" He finally questioned as she moved closer to him.

"I found him in the woods. The poor baby was left abandoned! Can you believe it? Look at him, the little guy is all skin and bones! There was no way I could abandon him so I decided to take him home and from this day forth he shall be our child" she proclaimed with a firm nod.

Emmet at this point was rolling on the floor laughing and Jasper was seriously considering kicking him. "Oh my god," he gasped, "You have a child Jas! And it looks just like you!" At this point Jasper really did kick him but all it did was cause him to laugh more.

Alice skipped up to Maya then and began to inspect the kitten. "He's right. It really does look just like you guys! He's got black fur like Maya, but his eyes are golden!" (see the picture at the top for what he looks like)

This caused the whole family come over to inspect the kitten, Rosalie and Esme cooing at the poor thing, talking about how starved it looked. Maya carefully handed the little guy over to Carlisle so that he could check him over and make sure that he was okay.

Then she turned to Jasper, "So can we keep him?"

Her eyes looked at him pleadingly and he let out a sigh, sending her a smile. "Of course we can Darlin'."

"Yay!" she cried rushing over to scoop the little guy back up and spinning him around in her arms. "You hear that little guy; we get to keep you!" Everyone chuckles at this, amused at how excited she was.

"So, what you gonna call him?" Emmet questioned.

"I was thinking Lucky, because it was lucky that I found him when I did. What do you think Love?"

"That sounds perfect Darlin'" he said moving over so he could pet the newly named Lucky. "Although perhaps you want to explain to me what you were doing in the woods, alone, while Victoria is on the loose?"

She looked down and away from him at that, muttering "I was on a walk."

"A walk? You put yourself in danger for a walk?" he growled.

"Yeah, I guess. But I was super careful. I was in cat form the whole time and its not like she even knows I can shift into a house cat so she wouldn't recognize me. And besides I'm not some helpless human, I can take care of myself!" She defended, turning to face him again.

He let out a sigh and leaned his head down to rest their foreheads together, cupping her face with his hands as he did. "I know you can take care of yourself, but that won't stop me from worrying. So please, for my sake if nothing else, don't go out into the woods alone until she is dealt with?"

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now