Vampire Baseball

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The next afternoon Maya jumped down the stairs, decked out in Jasper's jersey and some black leggings.

"Hey daddy, you remember I told you that I was going to play baseball with the Cullens tonight, right?"

He rolled his eyes at her. "Of course, Sweetheart. I could hardly forget given how excited you were to tell me about it when you got back from their place."

She laughed at that, not in the least bit embarrassed. "Yeah, well, dinner is in the oven. It's all set up and prepped, all you have to do is follow the instructions I taped to the stove. But you basically just have to turn on the oven and let it bake for a while and then it should be ready to eat. Even an inept cook such as yourself should be able to manage it" she teased.

He shook his head playfully at her jab on his cooking skills. "I'm sure I will manage" he assured her.

A few minutes later, Bella stumbled down the stairs and made her way into the kitchen. She looked over at the table where their dad sat cleaning his guns with a beer and turned towards the fridge. Opening it she grabbed him a new beer and placed it on the table in front of him. "Hey, got you another one."

"Thanks" He commented absently, focusing on his gun. Maya leaned back against the counter, getting comfortable for the show, a smirk playing on her lips as she realized what Bella was about to tell their father.

"I have a date with Edward Cullen" Bella blurted out.

Maya bit down hard on her lip to stop herself from bursting out laughing at that. What a way to break it to him, Bella Maya silently applauded. Not that she could really judge as she had basically done the same thing with her mothers. But at least they had been on the other side of the world and not sitting at the table cleaning their guns moments before said boy was supposed to arrive.

"He's a little old for you, isn't he?" their dad questioned. Maya burst out laughing at that, Bella shooting her a glare. Maya ignored her, enjoying this too much. However, she did try desperately to rein in her laughter so she could focus on them as the two continued talking, ignoring her as best they could.

"No. He's a junior. I'm a junior. I thought you liked the Cullens. And besides you seem to have no problem with Maya dating Jasper." Bella was growing annoyed with Charlie's reluctance and Maya's laughing. It just wasn't fair that Maya could date Jasper without any issue while she had to defend her choice in boyfriend to Charlie.

"I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town" he shot back.

"Edward doesn't live in town. Technically." He sent her a look at that before glancing over at Maya who was still laughing quietly at the whole conversation, leaning on the counter to keep herself up.

"He's right outside" Bella mentioned. Which caused Maya to straighten up and listen for the sound of Jasper's arrival, knowing the two boys would be coming together.

"He is?" their dad questioned, not sounding happy about it as he took a drink of his new beer.

"Yeah, he wanted to meet you, officially."

"Alright, bring him in" their dad agreed, cocking his shotgun as he did. Maya barked out another laugh at that, earning yet another glare from Bella which she again ignored.

Turning back to their dad, Bella gave him a concerned look. "Could you be nice? He's ... he's important."

He gave Bella a deadpan look before sarcastically drawing a halo above his head making Maya smirk.

"This is the best entertainment ever" Maya told him as Bella left to let them in.

He arched an eyebrow at her. "Yeah, well a heads up might have nice."

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now