Visiting Family

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Maya had been in Volterra for a week now. Her family had invited her down to spend the St Marcos day festival with them claiming that she had neglected them. She had laughed at that as she had been calling them twice a week at least to keep informed on all that she had missed. Which was a surprising amount. It never failed to amaze her at just how much could happen with her family in such a short time but she supposed the lack of ability to sleep probably left them with way too much time their hands. At least if the fact that her brothers, deciding they had lived long enough, attempted to commit suicide by trying to prank Jane by turning her hair lime green was anything to go by.

Since she had arrived though, she had constantly been busy shopping with Jane and the other female guards, pulling pranks and playing video games with her brothers, training with the guards and Caius and talking with her mothers and uncles. Currently she was out in the garden with both her mothers discussing the very topic she had been avoiding; Jasper. She had told them about him, but no one else fearing that they might just choose to descend on the small town of Forks to investigate him or worse, try and scare him off. And now that he had left her, she was doubly worried about how they would react when they learned that she had not only found her imprint but that he had left her. She knew that it was something Jasper needed to do to feel better and she was no longer angry at him for it but there was no guarantee that her family would be so forgiving. They had, on occasion, a tendency to be unreasonable when it came to her. Which is why she was once again glad for her mental wall that kept her uncle Aro out of her mind. Its not like she never intended to tell them. She did. Really. Absolutely. At some point. She just wasn't sure how to. But she definitely wanted it to be on her terms.

"So tell us Cara Mio, what has become of the charming young lad you are mated to?" Sulpicia asked, a grin spreading across her lips.

"Yes, we were both surprised that he let you come alone. Even if you had assured him that you were safe with us, not many vampires trust the Volturi." Athenodora added, a look of annoyance adorning her own face. She may understand why others were wary of them, but did not make it any less tiresome to deal with.

Maya let out a sigh. "Yeah, about that, I never actually told them that it was the Volturi that raised me. I know what some people think of you guys and didn't want them to look at me any different. I mean I love you guys, I really do, but you have to admit this coven does scare the daylights out of most vampires."

"Hm yes, we can't argue that. So how did you convince him to allow you to travel alone even without knowing you were coming here?" Athenodora prodded.

Maya hesitated; she had not actually told her mothers about Jasper leaving but realized that she was going to have to now. "I didn't have to convince him. He left almost six months ago."

"WHAT?!" Sulpicia cried, almost knocking over her tea cup filled with blood.

"Why are we just hearing about this now?! We must summon the guard, especially Demetri! We shall hunt this fool down and have him brought here to face punishment" Athenodora decreed, her fist almost breaking the table as she brought it down on it. Thank god most of their furniture was reinforced for this exact purpose.

"No! No please, its not like that. There was an incident. Due to his gift he can feel the emotions of everyone in the room as if they were his own. This unfortunately includes a vampire's bloodlust and he lost control when they were all exposed to the scent of fresh blood at once. I didn't get hurt but he felt bad and worried that he might accidentally hurt me if it happened again. So he left to gain better control and then he is coming back. He actually promised to take me to see all the wonderful sights across the world after my graduation" Maya rushed to say, attempting to reassure her mothers. 

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now