The Wedding

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The next day, Maya was in Alice and Bree's room that had been transformed into the bridal sweet. She sat off to the side with Bree, keeping her company as Alice rushed around getting Bella ready. Bree had originally offered to help, but Bella's scent had been too much for her and she had retreated into a corner so that she could still be a part of it without being as big of a risk to the bride.

Which Maya secretly thought suited Alice just fine. The tiny vampire may seem happy and unconcerned, but Maya had caught the flashes of jealously and possessiveness that had sparked in her eyes when Bree had attempted to do Bella's hair. As for Bree, Maya figured the only reason she wasn't showing the same signs of jealousy and possessiveness was the fact that Alice kept speeding over to place kisses on her face and whispering things in her ear as she worked.

She was moving so fast that Maya had trouble keeping up but that was probably for the best. Otherwise Bella would have for sure thrown a fit at not being the centre of Alice's attention. The girl may claim she was shy and hated being singled out, but all of them had been around her long enough to recognize that that was not true. Hence Alice moving faster than Bella could track to try and keep her and her mate calm. And it was working. The two were settled and happy, which was all Maya could ask for given that newly mated vampires were putting their hands on another girl in front of their mate.

But all the same, Maya kept an eye on them and did her part to ensure that the bride made it through her wedding alive by sitting beside Bree and texting Rosalie to come help with Bella's hair. Rosalie had been unwilling of course, but when Maya offered her the choice of helping to do hair or hide the mess of a dead bride she had relented.

As Rosalie appeared in the doorway, Alice practically beamed and moved off to the side to make room for her to help. As she did she shot Maya a grateful smile and mouthed "thank you" at her. Maya just smiled back and settled in to watch Rosalie's valiant struggle against the urge to bash Bella's head in.

"Do you need some help? I can do your hair for you" Rosalie offered, Bella not noticing how reluctant she sounded.

"Really?" Bella asked skeptically.

Rosalie rolled her eyes at the human, wishing to be back with her parents directing guests. "Please, I'm not offended by your choice of groom."

"Just my blatant lack of respect for my own mortality" Bella said snidely.

"Essentially" Rose said, tight smile on her face. Maya snickered quietly as she could see Rosalie all but physically holding herself back from snapping. Rosalie shot her a glare in return. She was only up here because of Maya and she would not have her sister (or girl who would be her sister as soon as Jasper finally got around to marrying her) making this harder on her.

Alice looked back and forth between the two pairs of girls and decided she should try to break the growing tension. Rosalie's presence was after all for her and mate's benefit, which she was immensely grateful for. "Weddings! They bring everyone together."

Before any more could be said though they heard a woman calling, "Alice? Bella?"

"In here mom" Bella replied to Renee, who stumbled into the room.

"Oh my God!" Renee's hands came up to hold her face as she caught sight of Bella, tears springing to her eyes.

Maya grimaced at the sight of Renee. The two hadn't spoken in person since they had taken Bella to the hospital after James had nearly killed her. And the only time they had spoken over the phone since then had been during Bella's depression when Edward left. The woman had called her almost daily to yell at her for not doing enough to care for Bella and cheer her up. Eventually if had annoyed Maya so much that she had simply stopped picking up when she heard Renee's ring tone. Which she may or may not have changed to play "ding dong the wicked witch" on repeat. Her dad had scolded her the first time he heard it, but she had caught the smile he tried to hide from her.

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