Fun Talks with the Parents

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Maya made her way down the stairs and towards the kitchen. She was working on the last of her school assignments now and if she was going to push through them she needed caffeine of some sort. As she made her way into the kitchen she noticed her father and Bella having what looked to be another attempt at their dad showing he cared and Bella blowing him off.

"There – there's ... things that you need to think about if – if you're ... going to be ... physically intimate" their dad told Bella, stuttering his way through it. He waved at Maya as she passed by to get to the fridge but kept his focus mainly on Bella.

Maya waved back and snickered to herself at the realization that she walked in on another of her dad's attempts at "The Talk". Hiding her face in the fridge as she dug out her drink so neither could see her grin, she stalled as she listened in.

"Okay, don't – don't have the talk" Bella all but pleaded with him as she backed away.

Their dad held up his hands in a sign of surrender, "Its just as embarrassing for me as it is for you."

"I doubt that, and don't bother because mom already beat you to it like ten years ago." Maya wasn't looking, but from the sounds of it Bella's face must be bright red by now.

"Well you didn't have a boyfriend ten years ago" their dad reasoned as he turned away to face his coffee. His words making Maya hang off the door of the fridge while she bit back laughter.

"I'm sure things work the same ... way" Bella told him lamely.

"Alright" their dad said, giving in and taking the out. "But you guys are being careful, taking precautions?"

Good old Dad Maya thought with a smile, he cares and wants us to be safe, but like any good parents has to make it awkward to the extreme.

"Dad, please just don't worry about that. Edward is ... old school" Bella told him, frustration lacing her voice.

"Old school, great. What's that? Like a code for something?"

Maya looked heavenward at that before facing him and flashing her eyes as she gestured to them. His own eyes gained a look of understanding finally and Maya rolled her eyes in amusement. For a man who knew more about the supernatural than most other humans, he sure had a tendency to forget about it.

"Oh My God, Dad I'm a virgin, okay?! Besides why aren't you having this talk with Maya?! She and Jasper are the ones who always have their lips locked together!" Bella said, bitterness seeping into her tone at the end of it.

She desperately wanted her and Edward to do more than their light make out sessions, but he treated her like glass. So when she saw the way Jasper and Maya were together or caught them having intense make out sessions, she could not hold back her jealously.

"Oh, he already did" Maya cut in with a laugh, "He walked in on me and Jasper in the middle of it and gave us both the talk." Thankfully that had been months ago, so any lingering embarrassment was long gone and she could now look back on it and laugh.

"Yeah, that definitely rates high on the most embarrassing moments of my life. Also, one I regret the most." He said with a sigh.

"What giving me the talk when it was clear it was already too late?"

"No, walking in on a boy I actually like having intercourse with my little girl." Maya burst out laughing at that and Bella just scowled.

"Wait you mean that you knew that her and Jasper were already doing it?! How come she's not in trouble for it then?!" Bella had always been upset that Maya and Jasper appeared closer than her and Edward. That they just seemed to fit together better, as if it was completely natural. To make matters worse, she had been trying almost constantly to try and get closer to Edward physically but every time he pulled back. Yet here her sister was, getting everything out of a relationship that Bella wanted and deserved and to top it all off Charlie was okay with it! The whole situation just pissed her off. She knew her and Edward were perfect for each other, yet no one else seemed able to recognize that. Instead they insisted that the stray and the vampire with no control were a great couple!

"Because I know Jasper and I know he would never hurt Maya, unlike with Edward. Also, Maya has proven herself to be a lot more mature than you when it comes to relationships" their dad explained, interrupting Bella's thoughts. Though his reasoning only made Bella glare more.

"You mean Jasper is your favourite and you're hoping that I will make him into your son legally" Maya deadpanned.

"I plead the fifth" he said, raising his hands in surrender and causing her to laugh again.

Bella's temper had been rising through the whole conversation. She just couldn't understand how Charlie could be so unfair! Jasper was allowed in the house but Edward wasn't. Maya could run off to Italy to hang out with those monsters, but she couldn't go to save the love of her life. Maya and Jasper could have sex without Charlie throwing a fit, but she couldn't! And on top of all that Charlie had the nerve to claim that MAYA was more mature than her! The girl that always ran off into the woods or disappeared for entire weekends! It just didn't make sense to her.

She growled as the two continued to laugh but didn't say anything as Edward was waiting upstairs and she did not want him to hear her arguing. Instead she turned around and stomped up stairs, catching her foot on one of the chairs and nearly doing a faceplant as she did.

~I'm not sorry for writing this chapter that is in no way relevant to the plot. I was going through the movie to make sure that I was getting the dialogue right and saw it and it got me thinking about what a sex talk between Maya and her dad would look like. And honestly, catching her and Jasper in action seemed like the only way this man would ever willingly bring up the topic when he knew he could probably count on her scary vampire mothers to cover it for him. Also I kinda got the vibes that Bella was super focused on the physical aspects of the relationship in the books/movies, so I felt that her having a mental fit about Maya being in a physical relationship while Edward refused would be accurate~

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