Pointless Meetings

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The Friday after Rosalie had shared her story with Bella, Maya headed over to the Cullens for a girl's weekend. Rose had been down ever since that night as memories from her past came back to haunt her. Maya hoped that a weekend of mindless chatter and gossip, along with a good dose of shopping, would help take her mind off the past and current worries.

Their plan was to spend a few hours today chatting and then the girls would go hunting while Maya slept so they could head out early tomorrow for shopping.

The boys had, as always, taken off for a boy's night hunt in order to give them some privacy. Or as Rose called it, "fleeing in fear". Apparently the boys had learned the hard way that if they stayed for a girl's night they would very quickly be subjected to make-overs or fashion criticism.

No matter what it was called though, it meant that later that night as Maya raided Jasper's closet for one of his old button-up shirts she had the room to herself. Crawling into bed she looked at the clock. It wasn't super late, but if she had to be up early tomorrow for a round of shopping, she probably wouldn't be able to stay up until Jasper got back. Closing her eyes she snuggled down in his bed. Inhaling his scent, she smiled loving the feeling of being surrounded by it as she drifted off. If she couldn't have Jasper there this was defiantly the next best thing.

Unfortunately it couldn't have been 20 minutes since she laid down when Rosalie came to get her. Apparently Jacob had come with an update on the Victoria situation and Carlisle was calling a family meeting.

Grumbling she climbed out of Jasper's warm bed and slowly made her way downstairs. Spotting Jasper in a corner, she immediately made her way over to him and leaned into his chest.

"Tired Darlin'?" he asked as he rubbed her back.

"Mm I was this close to getting to sleep" she whined.

"Poor thing" he teased, "perhaps you will get lucky and this will be quick."

She sent him her best puppy dog eyes. "And afterwards I'll get cuddles?"

He laughed outright at that "Sure Darlin'."

"Okay, now that everyone's here, would you mind filling us in on your information Jacob?" Carlisle asked, getting the meeting started.

"Not much to tell" Jacob confessed, "Victoria has made a few more appearances and each time she keeps managing to get closer and closer. She still flees at the first sign of confrontation though, so we have yet to get an opportunity to catch her."

"Have you noticed a pattern?" Jasper asked, sparking a whole debate.

Everyone put forth more theories and ideas, but the problem was without more information they were basically in the dark. From their failed attempt at catching her they knew trying again would be futile. However no one could really come up with a better idea without more information about her and her theorized gift. 

The one or two ideas that were put forth that had potential Edward shot down as being too dangerous to Bella, Jacob usually backing him up as Bella looked on smugly. One would think after Maya's last tongue lashing the two would be restraining themselves and at least trying to play nice, but they weren't. They were acting just as entitled as ever and browbeating and annoying the rest of the family, who only wanted to return to their peaceful lives, into compliance.

"Why did I get up for this?" Maya asked Jasper in what she had thought was a quiet voice. Unfortunately she had said it just as there was a lull in conversation and everyone had heard her. Blushing as all eyes turned to her, she ducked her head silently cursing her luck.

"I'm sorry, is the fact that a deranged vampire is trying to kill Bella boring you?" Edward snarled at her.

"No" she groaned out, already dreading the inevitable argument that would ensue if she didn't cut this off. "I'm just tired of going around in circles. She shows up, we spot her, she takes off. At this rate, unless something changes, this will never end. She won't attack unless she is sure she will win and if our guess about her gift is right, we won't be able to trap or catch her off guard. Which makes this whole topic pointless. Unless you have a suggestion on how we can catch her? Some way to break this cycle?"

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