I Changed My Mind

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Maya enjoyed her summer, spending most of her time in the woods exploring and hanging out with her father. But eventually it came to an end and school was beginning. She was excited to meet new people her own age, and was also excited by the gift she had gotten yesterday. Apparently, her vampire family had decided that she could not possibly attend school without appropriate transportation and had gotten her a 1965 powder blue convertible mustang to get to school in. Maybe she should have reminded them that she was a terrible driver who got distracted way too easily, but oh well she already loved the car as she could put the top down and feel the wind in her hair. Which meant that there was no way she was giving it back.

As she finished getting ready, she headed down the stairs to drop a kiss on her dad's head before heading off to school. She figured she was early given the fact that the parking lot was empty, but she simply shrugged and headed into the office to get her schedule and a map. All the other students had been mailed theirs, but since she was new to the school and her records had to be transferred (read: faked) they had asked that she come in the first day to make sure everything was in order. The minute she opened the office door though she had to pause as she became overwhelmed by the smell of perfume. While it may not have been too noticeable to a human, she could pick up on the built-up layers that came from someone wearing it everyday for what had to be years in such a confined space. She sneezed three times before her nose was able to adjust to the smell enough enter the room. Muttering a quick explanation about allergies to the secretary, she quickly got down to the business of getting her records all sorted out.

When she came out, she saw a few cars pulling in and followed after them to find parking.

Once parked she hoped out and headed into the school, consulting her map to find her class, ignoring the stares and wolf-whistles aimed her way.

"Hey I'm Eric! And you're the new girl Maya Swan, right?" A boy said jumping in front of her and nearly causing her bump into him.

"Si, that's me!" She smiled up at him.

"Oh getting fancy with the Spanish. I like."

Maya rolled her eyes but didn't correct him. "So are you like the official tour guide or something?"

"Na, I'm the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need I got you!"

"Does that include directions to English class? Cause this map is useless."

He gave another laugh, "yeah, our maps suck. But don't worry I can get you there no problem! What class is it in?"

She told him and the two set off down the hall, Eric pointing out things as they went and cracking jokes about the school. Maya laughed along with him and when they reached the class thanked him and told him she would see him later.

Classes were as boring as she thought they would be, but luckily for her in Spanish class she met a girl named Angela who she thought was pretty nice. The girl had invited Maya to sit with her and her friends at lunch and she had accepted her offer.

When the bell went, they headed off together, talking about the projects the teacher had mentioned they would be doing later. Maya quietly snickering as the other girl complained about the essay they would have to write at the end of the year. At least she had the advantage of being fluent in Italian thanks to her vampire family. It may not be the exact same language, but seeing as they both evolved from Latin it certainly would help.

As they sat down at what Maya assumed to be Angela's usual table they were joined by another girl, a blond boy and Eric.

"Hey nice to see another friendly face" she said smiling at Eric who laughed.

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