Family Meeting

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Jasper had taken Maya straight up to his room when they had gotten back. He set her gently on the counter in his bathroom and began to run a bath for her. When the tub was full, he turned back to her and helped her strip before picking her up and placing her in the tub.

"You do realize that thanks to you, I am perfectly fine and you don't have to treat me like an invalid, right Love?" Maya teased, leaning back to look at him as he moved to grab some soap.

"I know Darlin', but I like taking care of you." He ducked his head then, "and besides, even if you weren't hurt in the end, I don't think I have ever been more scared than I was in those moments where I saw the van headed for you and Bella pulled you in front of her. Taking care of you is going a long way towards helping me let go of that terror." Not to mention the rage that makes me want to rush over to your house and tear Bella apart he added silently.

"Hm, well then, by all means pamper away." She smiled lazily at him, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her body. "Although you know this would be a lot better if you were actually in the bath with me."

He smiled at her and stood up to begin shedding clothes. When he was done, she moved forward in the bath to allow him to settle in behind her, leaning back when he was done to rest against his chest. The two stayed like that for a while, Jasper running one hand along her body as the other held her close. While she moved her hands to lightly run them up and down the arm around her chest absently tracing his scars, her eyes closed to enjoy the feeling of safety she got when she was in his arms.

When the bath finally began to get cold, they got out of the tub and Jasper gave her one of his shirts to wear. He tucked her into bed then and was about to pull away when she grabbed his hand.

"Can you stay?"

"Of course, I can Darlin'. But I will have to go at one point to talk with my family about what Edward did."

"That's okay, I just want to fall asleep in your arms. They always make me feel safe and it helps me to sleep better." Jasper wanted to growl in satisfaction at her words. Through his gift he knew that she trusted him and loved to be tucked into his arms, but that didn't stop him from practically growling in satisfaction at having her admit it freely to him. To have her acknowledge that she trusted him so much.

"Don't you worry Darlin', I will hold you until you fall asleep and then when the meeting is done, I will come right back." He settled in next to her, pulling her close so her head could rest on his chest.

Not too long later she drifted off to sleep, tired from the day's events. He continued to hold her and stroke her hair until Alice came to let him know that Carlisle was home and they were all gathering to discuss what had happened. He slowly untangled himself from Maya then, careful not to wake her, before making his way down the stairs hoping that this would be a quick meeting.


Jasper leaned against the wall, holding back growls of irritation as his family was seated around the table arguing. Well, mainly it was just Edward and Rosalie yelling at each other as Carlisle and Esme tried to keep the peace.

"You nearly exposed us all to the humans!" Rosalie shrieked. Holding back a flinch as her voice pierced his ears, Jasper was once again thanking Esme for ensuring that all bedrooms were soundproof. If they weren't he was sure that all the yelling would have woken Maya by now.

"What did you want me to do?! Let her die?!" Edward yelled back.

"If it meant keeping this family safe, yes!"

"Why are you only blaming me?! Jasper interfered too!" Edward was furious that he was the only one in trouble. Jasper had also moved to stop the van and yet no one seemed to care!

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now