Meeting the Kings

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As they walked down the corridor, Jasper rolled his eyes at Edward's weak attempts to comfort his human. He still was not happy to be there and it was taking almost all of his focus and will to hold the Major back. His Darlin' had been missing for at least a week and one of the people living with her hadn't even noticed or cared, so Jasper had very little interest in helping her.

At this point Jasper was actually only one push away from letting the Major lash out in his rage at the girl. Although he had to admit that some of that rage was directed at himself. He had left Maya alone for six months and hadn't reached out because he knew if he talked to her he wouldn't have had the self-control to stay way. Even if it was only through texts, he knew he would grow greedy. Texts would become calls and from there it was only a matter of time before he forgot all about gaining control and rushing home to her. So he had cut himself off, her voicemails being the only comfort he had. And because of these choices his girl could now very well be in the hands of a vampire out to avenge her mate and it terrified him.

His instincts demanded that he leave immediately to go find her and not stop until she was safe again in his arms. But he couldn't do that as right now he had to worry about saving his family because of his idiot brother who tried to die for a girl that was not even his mate. Which only served to further enrage him.

Pushing down those thoughts and feelings though as he continued to tune out Bella and Edward as they discussed the human secretary, Jasper focused on what was to come. He knew they were in trouble; they were after all walking with a human his brother had told their secret too. But he would still try his best to protect his family and get them all out of there alive. With a deep unnecessary breath, Jasper pushed the Major away fully. While Major was better in a fight, Jasper still held out some hope that it would not come to that. But it could only happen if no one provoked the kings and the Major was never very diplomatic.

Although that did not stop him from preparing for the worst. He could feel the murderous intent seeping out of the room up ahead and had no doubt that it would take everything they all had to avoid a disastrous outcome.

The moment he stepped into the room he began to assess everyone in it. Making note of where the guards were, how many there were and which ones he would have to watch out for or take out first. He thoughts abruptly came to a halt however, as he picked up the scent of his mate. He whipped his head around the room, eyes frantically searching for her. He was almost scared of what he would find; the Volturi were not known for their kindness and he did not even want to think of what would happen if they had her.

As he glanced up at the front, his eyes locked with the bright green eyes of a black kitten sitting in one of the king's laps. Had his heart still been beating it would have stopped then and there. His mate was laying in the hands of the most ruthless and dangerous king of them all, looking very small and fragile under his fingers. He just barely held back a snarl at the sight, not knowing if they were aware that she was more than a cat or not. If they didn't, he did not want his reaction to draw attention to her as it would probably put her in more danger. So with great effort he managed to hold back his desperation to rush across the room and pull her into his arms where he knew she would be safe.

He sucked in an unneeded breath and using all of his willpower, turned away to face Aro just as the king stood up. Jasper noted with unease that while the man might be smiling on the outside his emotions showed that he was only moments away from lashing out in anger. Jasper had never met the kings before, but he was pretty sure this level of anger was not normal. There was no way they could have managed to stay on top of the vampire world if they reacted like this during all the trials. Which made him worried about just what his family had done to earn such hate. Especially since as far as he knew, Carlisle and the Volturi had parted on pretty good terms.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now