Girl's Night

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~yeah ... so this chapter is basically just filler. But essentially, I was feeling bad for Esme because the way the book/movie shows it she really doesn't have any female friends she can talk to when they are in Forks and so I basically just put this in so that she could be more apart of the girl's group~

Late one evening Maya, Alice, Rosalie, Esme and (much to Rosalie's and Maya's irritation) Bella were hanging out in Alice's room. Alice had asked for some help going through her closet to get rid of things she wouldn't wear anymore and somehow that had morphed into a girl's night. Though she may have secretly been hoping when she invited Bella that she could find something that Bella would take so that Alice could give it to the girl in an attempt to try and get some actual nice outfits into her closet. (She may have gone out and purchased some clothes in the human's size for just such a reason.)

The boys, in fear of what would happen if they stayed, had decided to do as they usually did and spend some time together hunting. Meaning that the girls had the house to themselves. Well, unless you counted the small black kitten that was currently rolling around in and pawing at all the clothes scattered around the room.

They had gone through Alice's closet, hence the mess all over the floor, but now they were scattered around Alice's room painting their nails. Alice was working diligently on making Bella's look nice, filing down the rough edges and shaping them. Esme was waiting for hers to dry, while Maya was working on painting Rosalie's. They weren't doing anything too creative, just painting them fun colours as graduation was soon and they would have to redo them anyways.

They were chatting about all sorts of things like fashion, interior design, cars and any other interests the girls had when Alice shifted the topic to boys. Maya always thought it was funny that although Alice had not met her mate yet and was into girls not boys, she was always the one to bring up the topic. Especially since the only ones she could talk boys with were mates/married to her brothers and father figure.

"Really Alice? One would think that you were trying to live vicariously through us until you actually meet your mate" Maya teased.

Alice stuck her tongue out at her, "Maybe I just want to make sure that the men in my family are treating you all right." Esme smiled at this while Maya laughed outright.

"Right because that is such a concern" Rosalie said with a snort.

"Well you never know," Alice defended with a pout, "Emmet could be so focused on his video games that he forgets all about you."

All of them just laughed outright at that, even Alice, as Bella just watched from her spot on the floor.

"Oh trust me, Emmet pays me ample attention" Rose stated as she calmed down.

"Mm, yeah, especially when you wear one of those little lingerie sets I saw in your closet" Maya teased.

"Oh, like you don't have any" Rose shot back.

"What I want to know is if Esme has any" Alice piped up, interrupting the two girls.

All four glanced over to Esme at that and watched as she sucked on her bottom lip and looked down. If vampires could blush, she definitely would be red as a tomato right now.

"Oh my gosh you do!" Alice squealed. "How come we've never seen them? Have you been holding out on us?"

"I just don't like showing it off" Esme mumbled.

"You mean you don't like showing it off to anyone but Carlisle" Maya teased, before getting more serious. "Which is totally okay, but you do know we won't judge you for it yeah?"

"I know, but I am older than you girls. Which makes it a little weird" Esme said, causing Alice and Rose to hop up to give her hugs.

Maya on the other hand snorted, "it's really not. Believe me, when I lived with the Volturi I got to hear about my two mother's sex lives. I know way more than I ever wanted to about what Aro and Caius are like in the bedroom." 

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