Final Days Before the Battle

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"Why are we doing this again?" Maya asked frustrated as they made their way through the trees.

"Because Edward asked that I be there to help with this plan" Jasper told her for the fourth time with an eyeroll.

"Yeah ... I get that part. But why am I here?"

"Because a good mate would never force their partner to spend time alone with those three and their constant childish fighting."

Maya groaned at that. "Fair enough. But now we both have to suffer."

"Yes, well, lets just make this as quick as we can" Jasper told her as they exited the trees to see Edward and Jacob already arguing.

Maya groaned internally at the sight. This was going to be an annoying conversation.

"Whatever. Just tell me the plan." Jacob demanded as Maya and Jasper came to a stop near them.

"This field will give us an advantage in battle. We need to lure the newborns here with Bella's scent, but it needs to end here" Jasper explained, speaking up before Edward could. The last thing he wanted was Edward riling up the wolf and making this whole thing take longer than it needed to.

"Edward and I will be going to a campsite. But even if he carries me, they'll still pick up on our scents" Bella cut in.

"Your stench however is revolting" Edward jumped in with. 

Maya let out a dramatic whimper and buried her face in Jasper's chest. Oh, how she wished she could be anywhere else at the moment instead of being stuck here dealing with this ridiculous little love triangle.

Jasper squeezed her side in comfort, wishing for the exact same thing as her.

"Dude you really don't want to start comparing stinks" Jacob shot back.

"What he means is that your scent will mask mine if you carry me" Bella interceded.

"Done" Jacob agreed instantly.

"This is not a good idea" Edward looked to Jasper for support, who let out a sigh.

"Edward, they won't want to get anywhere near his odor" Jasper told him, tired of his childishness. Either he was willing to do whatever it took to keep Bella safe, even if it meant dealing with Jacob, or he wasn't.

Not that this plan of theirs would be doing much to keep Bella safe. If Jasper's guess was right the only thing this plan would do is lure Victoria into a direct confrontation. From everything he had learned and seen about her he knew she wouldn't be on that battlefield. Instead she would use the battle as nothing more than a distraction and the newborns as cannon fodder to hold the rest of the family off while she hunted down Bella. Meaning that when Victoria tracked them down during the battle it would be up to Edward to deal with Victoria for the family. Which Jasper considered fair given that the woman was only doing all this in the first place because of the decisions Edward made. So Jasper kept his mouth closed and his thoughts carefully blank as he allowed Edward to believe he was protecting his girlfriend and not allowing Jasper to use her as bait.

"Okay lets just try it" Bella walked over to Jacob and put her arms around him as he picked up.

"Eau de wolf coming up" Jacob joked.

"Run" Edward growled, not liking seeing Bella in his arms.

Jacob turned and took off into the woods. "I will give him a few minutes head start then go see if I can catch her scent" Jasper said.

"Fine" Edward bit out.

The three waited in a tense silence. Edward was too angry to want to talk with them and Jasper and Maya had no wish to engage him in conversation when he was in this sort of mood.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now