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Maya and Rose were in Rose's room, finishing getting ready for prom as Alice skipped back in. After doing her make-up and hair, she had headed over to help Bella get ready. She returned just as the two girls were slipping on their dresses and applying the final touches.

"This is so exciting!" Alice squealed, clapping her hands as she looked at them both.

"Haven't you already been to like a hundred other proms?" Maya was not super excited to be going. In the past whenever the Volturi had held a party, the only part she had enjoyed was helping some of the guards, and surprisingly Marcus, set up pranks to play on the guests or other members of the coven. Which was something she was not allowed to do tonight lest she risk the wrath of Alice.

"Yes, but that's not the point. The point is this is our first one with you!" Rose gave a nod of agreement at that and Maya cracked a smile. Bella was alternating between ignoring and glaring at her, so it was nice to be reminded that she had others she considered sisters who cared for her here in Forks.

"Okay. Let's go. We've kept those boys waiting long enough" Rose declared, leading them out of the room and down the stairs.

Emmet was fiddling with his tie, complaining about how he had to wear the silly thing, while Jasper and Carlisle laughed at him. Esme moved forward to fix it for him just as the girls came down the stairs.

The sight took Jasper's non-existent breath away. Maya had always dressed nice, but this was the first time he had seen her really dress up and she looked absolutely stunning. He stepped forward automatically to take her hand and help her down the last step as he had been taught. Leading her off to the side he brought her hand up to press a kiss on the back of it.

"Ya look absolutely stunnin' Darlin'" he told her, his accent thickening heavily.

She smiled at the sound of his accent and gave a small curtsy. "Why thank you sir. If I may say you look mighty fine yourself today" she replied with a fake southern drawl.

"Darlin' your accent is terrible" he said with a laugh, causing her to pout.

She pouted, "I thought it was rather good."

He just shook his head at that. "Come on, Esme wants pictures."


As they arrived and headed towards the doors, Alice on one of Jasper's arms and Maya on the other, Maya felt Jasper tense up as the feelings of the others began to affect him.

Maya leaned around Jasper to see Alice, "so how long do we have to stay for this to count as attending?"

"Oh no, don't think I'm just going to let you run off on me. Not after all the work I put in to making you two presentable!" Alice glared at them both for even considering it.

"Hm, fine I will make you a deal. We go in, do the whole picture thing, me and Jasper will dance one song, then you can steal him for a few dances of your own. Then I get to steal my man back for a less busy, more romantic evening. Deal?"

Alice cocked her head considering it. "Fine. But only if you tell me all about it when you get back."

"As if you won't see the whole thing before we even leave" Maya teased.

"Not the whole thing. That's why I will need you to fill in the details!" All three laughed at that as they entered the building.

Maya and Jasper held up their end of the deal, with Alice kidnapping Jasper for three songs and even managing to pull Maya in for one of her own before they managed to escape.

As Maya and Jasper slid back into the car, she turned to face him. "So, you totally used your ability to make Alice agree, didn't you?"

He flashed her a smirk, "Darlin' I am a gentleman. I would never dream of manipulating one of my sisters like that."

Maya let out a snort of disbelief, "so that's a yes."

His only response was a grin, "so where are we going?"

"How about that lovely clearing we found a few weeks back? I feel like stargazing tonight."

"Sounds perfect." Jasper pulled out of the parking lot and began to head down the road. When they had gone as far as they could in the car, Jasper pulled off and sped over to get her door. Then he collected the blanket he kept in the car for such an occasion as Maya ditched her heels and they headed off to their clearing.

They spent the rest of the night dancing under the stars and laying tangled together on the blanket chatting as they gazed up at the clear night sky. Maya had told her dad that she was spending the night with Alice and Rose, so the two of them were in no rush to head back.

In fact, the two didn't end up returning to the Cullen's until the sun began to rise.

Immediately upon her return though she was kidnapped by Alice, Rose and surprisingly Esme, to be interrogated as to how her night went.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now