Telling the Parents

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~Fair warning, when I can't think of a relevant picture to post at the beginning of the chapter, I'm just going to shamelessly post pictures of cute kittens~

Telling her dad about her relationship with Jasper had been pretty easy all things considered. Jasper had come over one day after school to introduce himself. He even went so far as to formally ask for his permission to date her before even asking her out on their first date. Her dad had been wary of him at first, but had eventually opened up to him when he discovered that they both cheered for the same teams. Maya may or may not have been guilty of giving Jasper that information before hand so her dad would like him more.

It also hadn't hurt that Maya had mentioned that he was special like her and as such was one of the few people that she could be completely honest with. That had certainly made her dad happy for her, as he had been worried that when she eventually did begin dating (although he had hoped that wouldn't happen for at least another decade) she would have to hide who she really was from them.

The ones she was really dreading telling though were her uncles, brothers and sister. She knew that all of them would have something to say about it, especially given what happened with her first and only other boyfriend who turned out to be a cheater. Their reactions when she mentioned Mike to them, had only upped the concern. At one point she had even considered just trying to keep it hidden as long as possible. Although she then realized that they would find out eventually and the last thing she wanted was for them to hear it from someone else. So, she reluctantly decided to leave that bombshell for when she next saw them in person. That way she would be there physically to try and talk them out of doing something ridiculous and overprotective.

She was planning on telling the queens today though. They were her mothers in all but blood and she was excited to share the good news with them. She was also hoping that they may have some advice on how to tell everyone else, without them getting angry or protective.

As she dialed their number and waited for them to answer, she could feel her nerves growing with each passing ring.

What if they don't approve of him? What if they are angry that I didn't tell them sooner? What if they order me to go home to Volterra? What if they tell me to stop seeing him? Questions and concerns raced through her mind, coming to an abrupt halt as she heard them pick up.

"Cara Mio! It has been too long! You really must call us more often!" Sulpicia said as she answered.

"I met my mate!" Maya blurted out as her nerves took over and then winced. That was not how she was planning to tell them. She was going to gently lead them into it, but all that had gone out the window the moment she heard one of her mother's voices. They sounded so happy to talk with her and it just made her feel guiltier about not telling them sooner.

"What?!" Both of them yelled, shocked.

"Yeah ... I uh ... I met him on the first day of school" Maya admitted sheepishly.

"And we are just hearing about this now?! Dear lord Gattina, this is far more important than how you are liking all your classes!" Athenodora chided.

"I know, but he is a vampire and he thought I was a human so he was following the secrecy laws and I wanted a chance to get to know him first, so I pretended I did not know anything about vampires at first and we were just friends."

"That still does not explain why you did not tell us" Sulpicia reminded her gently.

Maya let out a sigh at that. "I was worried about how you guys would react and whether you would approve of him or not."

"Oh Cara Mio, of course we will never consider any man good enough for our little girl, but so long as he treats you right and makes you happy, we will support you" Sulpicia reassured her gently, with Athenodora adding in her reassurances as well.

Thank you, Mamma, Madre." She felt tears gather in her eyes as she was reminded once again why she was so lucky to have these two women in her life who cared for her and treated her like their own child.

"Are you going to tell your uncles, brothers and sister?" Athenodora questioned, making Maya grimace.

"I was actually planning on waiting to tell them in person ... or never" she muttered.

Both queens laughed at that, having no trouble in figuring out why she was so reluctant. Those seven loved her just as much as they did, but they also tended to be a tad overprotective and would often forget that she was no longer a child. While the queens acknowledged, sadly, that their little girl was growing up, the rest remained in denial.

"Yes, I have no doubt the minute they discover his existence, they will be on the next flight to interrogate him." Maya could hear the smile in Athenodora's voice and it caused her to groan and fall back onto her bed.

"Any idea how I can prevent that?" Maya asked, hoping the two women who had been with the Volturi for centuries would have an idea.

"Hmm, it would depend. Who is this man you are mated to?" Sulpicia mused.

"That's right!" Athenodora jumped in excitedly before Maya could comment. "We got so sidetracked we have yet to hear anything about him!"

"Yes, tell us Cara, who is this man that has captured your heart?" Sulpicia teased.

Maya blushed, "well his name is Jasper Hale, or at least that's what he goes by now. His real last name is Whitlock and he is a member of the Olympic coven. He ..."

"Did you say Jasper Whitlock was his name?" Athenodora asked, interrupting her.

"Yes. Why? Do you know him?"

"Not personally. I do know that Caius was interested in recruiting him a few decades ago. Something about him having great skill or something."

"Oh, well I don't know much about his past yet, but apparently when the boys wrestle he always wins" Maya supplied.

Now she was more curious than ever about his past, but knew she would have to wait until he was ready to tell her. If there was one thing she had learned about vampires, it was that their beginnings were not always the most pleasant and she did not want to upset him by pushing him to share his before he was ready.

"Yes, yes. It would appear as if the young man has some skills" Sulpicia said, dismissing the matter, "but tell us about him Cara."

"Well, he is sweet and kind, a true southern gentleman and he treats me very well. Walks me to each and every class and everything."

The two queens awed at that before bombarding her with more questions about him, wanting to know everything about the man their daughter was seeing.

By the time Maya hung up two hours later, she was feeling a lot better. While they had not come up with a solution as to how to tell everyone else without them freaking out, she at least knew that she had her mothers on her side. And when it came to convincing Caius and Aro of something, having their wives on your side was an important first step.


Gattina = Kitten (Athenodora)

Cara = Dear (Sulpicia)

Mamma = mom

Madre = mother

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