Now We Wait

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By the time they arrived in Phoenix, the sun was up and Bella was passed out in the back seat. Courtesy of Jasper and his inability to deal with the human anymore. Sometimes having a gift that allowed him to manipulate people was a blessing. Maya had slept as well, a much more natural one, but the sun in her eyes had woken her a little while ago. As they pulled up to the hotel Maya got out to go check them in while Jasper pulled into the underground parking lot to avoid the sun. She got them one room to share, as it would be easier to protect Bella if they were all together, and then met them by the back stairs.

Since Bella was still asleep, Jasper carried her up to their room while Alice and Maya handled the bags. Once they were in the room, Alice sped around closing the blinds to keep the sun out while Maya headed into the bathroom for a quick shower. She had no idea what would be happening next and wanted to take the time while they had it to get clean and take a chance to relax as much as she could.

As she rinsed off, she couldn't help but think over their situation. In a way she was actually grateful that the nomads had stumbled upon them while they were playing baseball and not some other time. Due to the competitive nature of the family when they played, they all tended to hunt before the game so they could all be at their best. Which worked out well for them as it meant they wouldn't have to worry about feeding for at least a few days. It also meant that they were all at their strongest and if Laurent wasn't exaggerating which ever group went up against James was going to need it.

Shaking herself from her train of thought she quickly finished rinsing out her hair and turned the taps off. Quickly she redressed and stepped out of the bathroom. Towelling off her hair as she moved through the room, she looked around to see Bella still asleep and Jasper and Alice talking quietly on the couches. Tossing the towel over a chair, she made her way over to them and curled up next to Jasper, his arm automatically moving to pull her closer.

"So, what's the plan?" Maya asked.

Alice shrugged, "nothing. We stay here and wait for them to call with an update or for me to have a vision."

"Well, that's a terrible plan" Maya snorted.

"Indeed, but as we got stuck with babysitting, it's the best we can do" Jasper agreed.

"Oh, so its all Alice's fault for volunteering us?" Maya teased, sending Alice a grin.

"Hey, I didn't hear you guys offering a better idea" Alice defended indignantly.

"That's because Edward was already set on his own ridiculous one" Jasper drawled, still not thrilled with his brother's plan of running and hiding. If Edward continued to have his way, they would be stuck dealing with James for the next century.

"Yeah, about that, how come Edward got to make all the decisions? Wouldn't it have been smarter to let you do the planning since you have more experience? Or even Carlisle, since he is the leader?" Maya pulled back a little so she could see Jasper's face.

"Perhaps, but lately it seems like Edward is not acting on logic and the rest of us are simply stuck following along with his ridiculous ideas as he blazes on ahead" Jasper conceded. He thought back on all that had happened since Bella had moved to Forks. How Edward had simply done as he wanted without a care for their family or how his actions impacted them. Grimacing he realized just how true his assessment had been.

"I told you guys earlier that I always saw those two getting together" Alice reminded them in an attempt to defend Edward's actions.

Jasper growled in annoyance at the reminder. "Yeah, but you never mentioned seeing how Edward would stop caring about his family and would start putting a human he has known for less than three months above those who have cared for him and supported him for decades."

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now