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It was on an adventure out in the desert where she met a vampire for the very first time. Or more accurately a whole coven of them. She had been out for few hours, wandering aimlessly and chasing small animals when she heard the sound of screams and fighting. Being the curious cat that she was, she went to investigate. It was then that she came upon a very one-sided fight. 

She sat and started up at the scene in front of her, watching as a bunch of pale people in cloaks tore apart other pale people in ragged clothes. As the fight ended, she approached as quietly as she could and shifted, sliding on one of her father's old sweaters as she did to cover herself. Something her father had insisted she do ever since she first began shifting. Though she mostly only did it because she thought a black cat with a sweater tied around her neck was funny.

"Did they do something bad?" She asked, startling the people who had not heard her approach.

They all turned to look at her in shock not saying anything, which prompted her to ask again. "Those people did they do something bad?"

"You're not scared little one?" a man with long dark hair and deep frown lines on his face asked.

Maya tilted her head to the side in confusion. "Should I be?"

"Well, you did just watch us tear a bunch of people limb from limb. Most kids would be crying by now." Another man, this one with long blond hair explained with an eye roll.

"That's why I asked if they did something bad. Why are your eyes red?" She really did have a bad habit of jumping from topic to topic when her curiosity was peeked.

"Haha, you really are the strangest little girl, aren't you?" A third man asked with a bright smile on his face.

"And you're weird" she replied. A few members of the group of people standing behind the three that had talked lifted their hands to cover their mouths at this.

"I'm Maya."

"Hello Maya. I am Marcus and these are my brothers; Aro and Caius and our guards." Marcus, the first to have spoken, gestured to his group as he introduced them. "Now, what are you doing all the way out here, young one?"

"I'm on an adventure" she declared with as much dignity as a six-year-old could manage. Which caused a few members of the group to let out chuckles.

"I see, perhaps you should be going then as it is getting late." At Marcus's words she looked up at the sky to see it was indeed starting to get dark.

"We can't just let her leave," Caius snarled, "she's seen too much."

"Caius, who would believe the words of this child?" Aro questioned.

"Hey are you guys special like me? Because I promised my daddy that I wouldn't talk about that stuff with other people." They all stared at her in shock at this.

"Special?" Aro questioned. He was already intrigued at how she did not fear them and the idea of her being 'special' only added to it.

"Yep. Do you guys turn into cats too?"

"No, we are vampires." Caius looked as if the very question offended him.

"Oh, that's too bad. It would have been fun to have someone to play with." She looked at the ground sadly before perking up again, "well I have to go now. Bye-bye!"

She then turned around before any of the vampires could think of something else to say. They all watched in shock as she pulled her arms from the sweater and shifted into the form of a small panther. Still too stunned to do anything they watched as she picked up the sweater in her teeth and bounded off into the desert.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now