Moving Home

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In the years since she had joined them, Maya had become a favourite of all the vampires of the Volturi coven. Her carefree personality and childish excitement that she never fully grew out of delighted all of them. Which is why when she was 17, they were sad to be saying goodbye to her. She was going to live with her father so she could attend school with the humans so that she could get the chance to graduate high school and learn to socialize with others her age. She was sad to be saying goodbye to her family as well but was also excited for the new adventure and chance to spend more time with her father.

She had seen him often over the years, flying home for most of the summer and various holidays, but she thought it would be fun to live with him full time and go to school. So she headed off to the plane to fly to Forks, saying goodbye to her family in Volterra and promising to call often so they could still chat.

Arriving at the airport, she was able to skip all the lines thanks to the fact that the Volturi had let her borrow their private plane as they did every time she flew between her two homes. Her father met her on the runway with his cruiser and she happily threw her arms around him for a hug. When they separated, he helped her load her bags into the trunk before they headed off.

"So how have you been Daddy?" She was practically bouncing in excitement at being back and he laughed at her enthusiasm.

"I've been good sweetheart. How about you? How's everyone in Volterra doing?"

This set her off on a never-ending stream of chatter, catching him up on all that had happened since their last call that lasted the whole way home.

That was the thing about the pair, Charlie was quiet, preferring to listen, while Maya was happy to fill the silence with chatter. During their phone calls and Maya's visits, Charlie could happily sit back and listen to his daughter chat away excitedly, giving his input every once in a while, or just nodding along with her. It worked for them and every time she finished Charlie felt as if no time had passed since their last call and that he was part of his little girl's life even when she was an entire ocean away from him. Maya also loved their chats as Charlie had a way of making her feel heard. As if she could share anything and he would understand her.

As they pulled up to the house she hopped out of the car and rushed to grab her bags to head inside. Charlie came around taking a small one from her that she nearly dropped as she struggled to hold them all.

"You know I can help right? I do have two working hands."

She giggled, "I know but I'm so excited to be home!" She rushed towards the house and all he could do was shake his head and follow after her. She got up to her room and threw the bags onto her floor, smiling at the fact that her room had not changed since she was there the last summer. With a laugh she flung herself onto her bed which was piled high with all the blankets and pillows she had collected over the years.

She had arrived just after school had been let out for the year so that she would have all summer to settle in before school started. She was very excited to get the chance to explore everything again to see what had changed. As she laid there on the bed, she began to plan everything she wanted to do before school began once again.

"I'll leave you to unpack, but Billy invited us over for dinner tonight to welcome you back so we will be leaving at 6." He father interrupted from the door.

"Okay Daddy, I'll get my stuff put away and then shower." He gave a nod before heading off to get some work done before they headed out.

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