Calls to Jasper

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~This chapter is just the voicemails Maya was leaving Jasper after he left and his thoughts and reactions to them. I tried to put them in order so they made sense but gave up after a bit as I just wrote them as the ideas came. So if something doesn't quite make sense in terms of timeline, that's why. Also, Maya is very obviously leaving out a few things like Victoria and Laurent's appearances or trying to play off serious topics like how much Jasper's absence is hurting her as a joke. She understands how much he wants to be in control and so as much as she wants him back, she is trying to avoid making him feel that he has to come back to protect her. So mainly, these phone calls are just trying to get him to actually call her back and to make sure that he knows she still loves him~

Hey Jasper. You've officially been gone a week and I can confirm I miss you more than I thought possible. Especially the make out sessions. I honestly have no idea how I got through school without them in the morning to perk me up. ... But seriously I miss you, so give me a call and let me know how you're doing and if you guys finished relocating okay? Love you, bye.

Jasper sat on his bed listening to his voice mail, fighting the urge to call her back. He missed her just as desperately and wanted nothing more than to head back to her. To wrap her up in his arms and wipe away the tears he could hear in her voice. To get rid of the awful tugging sensation in his chest that he knew she must also be feeling. But he knew he had to get better control of his gift if he didn't want to have to constantly worry about hurting her if he lost control. Just as he knew that if he picked up and was able to reply when she said she missed him and wanted to see him, he would not be able to stop himself from caving. Telling her "no" when he so desperately wanted his own answer to be "yes" and knowing that he was upsetting her more would be too much for him. He would rush back to her side in an instant and never let her go again. Which would make leaving to gain more control so he did not risk hurting her pointless. So, instead he sat there listening to her voicemail and smiling sadly at what she had said. As the message ended, he could not stop himself from letting out a small "love you" in return.

Hey Jasper. It's me again. Is it sad that I keep calling you just to hear your voice mail? I am totally going through withdrawal symptoms of not hearing your sexy cowboy accent. So ... like ... seriously, PICK UP THE PHONE! I want to hear you say more than 'leave a message at the beep'. I also really want to know that you are okay and if you are, why you are avoiding my calls. Seriously, a text will work, just let me know that you are doing fine, will you? Love you, bye.

He smiled at that, letting out a small laugh. Maya's voicemails had quickly become his favourite part of any day. The only thing that made the pull of the bond lessen for even a moment. When he was struggling with his training he even replayed a few of his favourites if there were no new ones just to hear her voice and to hear her say she still loved him. No matter how terrible he was feeling or how upset he was at his lack of progress, her voice never failed to make him smile.

Hey Jas, Rose and Alice tell me you've been working non-stop since the move to get better control of your gift. I think they're trying to bribe me into forgiving them with pics of you. I must have over a hundred on my phone by now. (laugh) But ya know I would gladly delete them all in exchange for a call from you. Or even just a text. Seriously, even if its super late or whatever, call me whenever, okay? I'm never gonna be too busy for my Cowboy. In the meantime try not to overwork yourself, though I'm not sure that's even possible for a vampire, but whatever, don't prove its possible. Love you, and hopefully I'll hear from you soon.

Jasper sat on his bed laughing, finally figuring out what his sisters had been doing this past week. Every time he turned around it seemed they had been there with their phones out. As the message finished though, he sobered. It was clear from the tone of her voice that his Darlin' was upset and he knew he was the cause of it. Still, he couldn't quite bring himself to call her back. Refusing to allow himself the chance to actually talk to her was his self-imposed punishment. If not for his lack of control Edward wouldn't have insisted they move. He never would have been a danger to his mate. And he wouldn't have had to leave her to learn control so she could be safe with him like she was always supposed to be. So instead of allowing his finger to push the button it was hovering over that would call her back, he gently set his phone down on the bed and headed out to continue working on controlling his gift.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now