First Halloween with the Volturi

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~Hello! I did promise a few one shots of Maya as she grew up and here's the first one! I currently have writers block with my next book and was then inspired by the cute photo of a kitten in costume (the one above) so here you go. No idea when I will be posting another one as my main focus is on the current book I am writing, but please let me know if you all have any specific one shot ideas you want me to write about and I might try my hand at them!~

Maya was beyond excited to be celebrating Halloween with her new family this year. Sure the castle and vampires in cloaks made it feel a bit like Halloween all year round but that didn't dull the excitement. This was her chance to dress up and collect candy without having to move at Bella's pace! And to make things better, apparently they had another holiday right after Halloween here!

She had spent the morning helping to carve pumpkins and had loved every second of it. In the past she had had to be careful as Bella hated having to touch the pumpkin guts but her new family had no such issues. They had all happily dug into the pumpkins to scoop them out with her and carve. Although she hadn't actually been allowed to hold the knife by herself. Instead after she had drawn her face on the pumpkin, her Zio Caius had let her hold the knife with his hand carefully placed over hers to guide it. 

Though the best part of the whole thing though had definitely been when Demetri and Felix had started a pumpkins guts war! The two had been arguing and Demetri had flung a handful of the stuff at Felix, missing him and hitting Alec, who had returned fire. From there is had become a free for all with everyone joining in.

After the war had come to an end and she had been whisked off to get cleaned up, she had spent most of the day running around as a kitten dressed like a bat. She happily jumped off ledges and out of dark corners to scare her family and as far as she was concerned it was the best thing ever. Where her mom back in Phoenix would have yelled at her and told her to stop, everyone merely laughed it off, teased each other for getting caught, or best yet, helping her by setting others up. Her Zio Marcus especially had been wonderful as he had actually gotten pictures of Zio Aro mid scream as she landed on his head while Zio Caius was looking around for the enemy with a snarl on his face. Zio Marcus had already promised to send one of the guards to get it developed so she could hang it in her room!

Finally though as the sun began to set it was time to go trick or treating or "Dolcetto o scherzetto" as it was called here. Her new Zie, who she was quickly beginning to think of as her moms, let her get ready with them. She had insisted on going as a vampire to match her family and her Zie had declared that if she was to be a vampire, then it would nothing less than a regal vampire queen.

Once they were done, all three vampire queens left Zia Sulpicia's room looking like regal rulers of the vampire world. Maya was in the middle, holding each of her Zie's hands as they led her to the rest of the group. No one else was dressed up but she didn't mind too much as they all usually looked dressed up to her.

The moment Felix caught sight of them he immediately whipped out a camera and began snapping pictures. He had been given the important job of photographer tonight and he was not going to fail his kings by slacking. As the ladies reached the bottom of the stairs, everyone cooed over how cute she looked all dressed up as Aro picked her up to swing her around. Maya giggled as she spun but Sulpicia quickly put a stop to her husband's actions before he could ruin Maya's hair.

Setting off Maya excitedly led the way, running on ahead with her empty bag fluttering along behind her.

"Be careful Gattina!" Athenodora called with a smile as she watched her little girl make a beeline for the first door.

"Si Zia!" Maya called back, not stopping as she approached the door. Knocking on the door she happily held out her bag as it opened and called out "Dolcetto o scherzetto!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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