Returning Home

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When the plane landed all the Cullens were at the airport to great them. Maya gave them all stiff nods, still holding onto her anger at them leaving without saying goodbye. Except for Esme, Esme she ran right up to and gave her a hug.

"How come she gets a hug and we don't?" Emmet asked with a pout.

"Because Esme is too perfect to hate. And by the way, my offer still stands. If you ever want to run away with me, I will happily take you up on it." Maya said looking up at Esme from where she still had her arms wrapped around her.

Esme let out a laugh, "well, I will certainly keep that in mind"

Not long after they all piled into the cars and headed off towards Forks. They went to Maya's house first to drop off Bella who had passed out once they got to the cars.

Maya got out and headed to the door as Edward followed with Bella in his arms. "We're home daddy!"

Charlie came out to greet them but scowled when he saw Bella in Edwards arms. "You're not welcome here."

"Please sir, just let me put her in her room. She's had a long day." Charlie reluctantly nodded, letting Edward move past him.

"So is it alright if I stay with the Cullens tonight? Jasper owes me an epic apology and there should be chocolate involved" Maya pleaded.

Her dad let out a laugh at that, "Alright, but give me a call tomorrow to let me know when you expect to be home."

"Will do" She said with a salute before bringing him into a hug, "I'm sorry about Harry daddy. I know he was a good friend of yours."

"Thanks sweetheart. But I'm doing okay. I'm keeping busy."

She gave him one last squeeze before heading out the door with Edward to head over to their house.

Once they arrived, Jasper wasted no time in rushing her up to his room.

"Darlin' I am very sorry that I never tried to call you. I just knew that if I actually talked with you I would miss you too much and I wouldn't be able to stay away."

"Then why leave in the first place? You could have worked on your control here."

"I know but Edward demanded that we leave to keep Bella safe and while I could have just ignored him, I wanted to do this myself. To prove that I could and that you would be safe around me. That I was not a danger to you. That I deserved you."

Her resolve to stay angry broke at that, "Oh, Jas, you never had to prove that. You will always have me and you never have to prove yourself good enough because you already are."

"Perhaps, but it was still something I had to do." He brought her into his arms then and she came willingly, "so does this mean you forgive me?"

"You and I both know I can never stay angry at you cowboy. I love you too much."

"Even more than chocolate?" He teased.

"Eh, don't push it."

He laughed as he swung her into his arms and threw her onto the bed.

"Now just what do you think you're doing cowboy?" Maya propped herself up on her elbows to watch him with a smile on her face.

"You forgave me which means that I can finally do what I've been dying to do these past few months; run my hands and mouth all over you as I make you moan out in pleasure."

"So you only apologized to get into my pants?" She cocked her eyebrow at him.

"No. I meant every word. Getting you back in my bed was just a bonus" Jasper sent her a cocky smirk as he began to crawl up her body.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora