Sunny Days Are Bad luck

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A few weeks passed and Bella continued her hunt for answers as Maya continued to try and distract Jasper. Some days she would tease him and he would drag her to bed, not letting her rest until she was too tired to even move. Other days they would explore the woods, playing tag and racing. However, as time wore on, and the fights continued, it got harder and harder to distract Jasper for any length of time as the minute he got home, the emotions of his family would once again overwhelm him.

Had it only been a human's curiosity, he was sure that there would not have been so much conflict as they had dealt with that before. However, what really frustrated their family so much was Edward's inability to keep his promise to stay away from her. One day he would ignore her and then the next he was asking her about "her latest theories on what they were". From what Jasper could sense with his gift and what Maya had told him, all this was doing was making Bella even more curious and obsessed with Edward. Rosalie seemed to have picked up on this growing obsession as well, which just fuelled even more fights in their house.

The arguments had hit an all time high however, when Rosalie figured out that Edward had been sneaking into Bella's room at night to watch her sleep. He had tried to defend himself by stating that he was doing it to get used to her scent and pointing out that Jasper also watched Maya sleep but it hadn't done much to help his case. Jasper had growled at that as Rosalie pointed out (read: yelled) that Maya was actually aware that he was there and had given him permission to be in her room, unlike Bella who had no idea it was happening.

Esme had expressed her disappointment in Edward's actions at this, which only caused him to become angrier and begin yelling again. At this point Jasper was ready to run away from home simply to avoid the arguments and feelings he picked up from them all. To make matters worse, he couldn't even go to see Maya, as it was one of those rare sunny days, so his family had to stay home from school and work. Which meant he was forced to sit and listen to his family argue with Edward as he counted down the minutes until Maya would be done school.


Maya similarly had also been spending her time counting down the minutes as her day just seemed to be made up of one annoying interaction after another. Unlike probably every other teen in town, she had not been excited to wake up and find the sun shining, given that it meant that none of the Cullens would be at school. But she had dutifully gotten up and ready for school, heading outside to pull the tarp off the car her uncles had bought her. While she loved it, it spent most of its time sitting off to the side in the driveway as Jasper was always more than willing to drive her wherever she needed.

She had just finished wrapping up the tarp and tucking it away when Bella came stumbling out of the house. It wasn't until she reached her truck and got the door open that she finally noticed Maya, but when she did her face darkened in anger.

"What is that!?" She demanded outraged.

"What's what?" Maya asked distractedly as she put the top down on her car.

"That car! Where did you get it?!"

"My uncles bought it for me when I moved back here so I would have something to get to school in. I did tell you I had a car when you arrived, didn't I?"

"We don't have any uncles" Bella stated in a tone that suggested she thought Maya stupid.

"They're my friend's parents. The ones that live in Italy, I stayed with them while I was there." Maya silently apologized to her family for lying like that. For making them seem less important to her than they were. But honestly? She had no idea how else to explain her relationship with them to a human without them sounding like some weird sugar daddies. "Anyways, are you done with your questions? Because I don't want to be late."

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper Haleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن