Calling the Family

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Friday after school, while her dad was still at work, Maya settled down int he kitchen and pulled out her laptop so that she could chat with her family face-to-face. She had called them earlier this week to fill them in on how she was doing, leaving out the Cullens so she didn't worry them while they were busy cleaning up that mess in Germany. But now that they were back at Volterra, she wanted to get the full story on the vampires with golden eyes.

As the line rang, she picked up her drink and fiddled with the straw, trying to figure out how to ask them her question. She wanted some information on the Cullen family, but was not quite ready to tell them all about her imprinting just yet.

As the line picked up, she smiled at the screen, amused to see that everyone had apparently decided to join the call. The three kings were seated beside each other, Aro and Caius with their wives in their laps. As Jane leaned down over the couch between Aro and Marcus and her three brothers were all waving at her from behind them. But all four of her siblings were quickly waved off as the kings told them they could have the chance to talk to her later.

Her Uncle Marcus was the first to greet her. "Ah principessa, how are you doing? How are you finding school at Forks?"

"Its good Zio. Classes are totally boring like I told you, but its kind of nice getting to experience school."

"You could have done that here" Aro reminded her, all but pouting.

"Yes, but let's be real, with your reputation no one would have dared approach me Zio" she teased. Though the fact that they were vampires was a secret, that did not stop all sorts of rumours about them spreading throughout Volterra. During her explorations of the city, she had heard everything from the castle being inhabited by demons to angels to all powerful kings. The one thing that remained the same however, was that everyone in town was terrified to approach anyone who seemed to be connected to them.

Caius scoffed. "Is that such a bad thing?"

Maya just rolled her eyes fondly at them. "Anyways, I called for a specific reason this time. I wanted some information about a certain coven of vampires."

Her whole family came to attention at that and focused in on her.

"Are you in any danger?" Unsurprisingly, her uncle Caius was the one to pose the question. While he may not be the best at showing his love or be as gentle as the others, he was the most protective.

"Do you want us to come and get you?" Aro would take any chance to bring his little piantagrane home.

"Yes, we will send your brothers to fetch you" Athenodora told her, already motioning at someone off screen. Presumably her brothers to urge them into action.

"Calm down guys!" Maya waved her arms around in a halt motion, trying to stop them before they got too worked up. "I'm not in any danger!"

"Cara Mio, if you want to ask about a vampire coven it means you have encountered one. Following that logic, you can hardly claim there is no danger" Sulpicia reasoned.

"Okay, yes that makes sense, but in this case, there is no danger. I just wanted to ask why they all have golden eyes."

"Golden Eyes" Aro mused. He knew of only two covens that had that.

"Yep. You guys know anything about a coven called the Cullens?"

Caius made a sound of disgust at the name. "They're a group of so-called vegetarians."

"Vegetarians? What like they eat tomato soup instead of people?" Maya cocked her head to the side, genuinely confused by the term and how it applied to blood-drinkers.

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