Bella's Birthday

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On the day of Bella's birthday, Maya and her dad had woken her by bursting into her room to give her the gifts they had gotten for her. Her dad and Renee having coordinated to get her a camera and photo album to document her senior year. Maya's though was a lot more fun. Since Bella had told them that she didn't want any gifts, Maya took that as the okay to get her something as a joke instead. She had gone out a purchased a dozen pillows that she had then sown into the shape of a body suit and completed the look with a neon pink helmet. 

When Bella had opened the gift and pulled it out, Maya had proclaimed that now Bella could be safe no matter what situation her clumsiness put her in. Her dad had roared with laughter at that but Bella had just scowled and thrown the pillow suit at her head, missing her completely by about four feet. Getting the hint though, Maya had taken that as her cue and skipped out of the room to get ready before Jasper came to pick her up, laughing the whole way.

When they finally arrived at school, after a lovely and steamy make out session, Maya was immediately attacked by Alice. "Hey you're finally here! You have to come over to our house after school, okay? I'm having a birthday party for Bella and you have to help us set up."

"Uh huh. And does Bella know about this party?" Maya asked, very much doubting that she did.

"Well no. But I am about to go tell her. Now come on! Let's go find your sister!" Alice took off in the direction of the school.

Maya sighed, "Come on Cowboy. We're gonna need your abilities to convince Bella to come to this party."

"Why's that Darlin'? Based on her emotions, your sister seems to like being to center of attention. Why wouldn't she want a party about her?" Jasper followed her into the school, taking her bag as he did so and sliding it onto his own shoulder.

"Oh, from what I remember of the few birthdays I was present for she does. But now she is worried about her age. She hates the idea of getting old, which I'm thinking is part of the reason why she keeps asking Edward to change her. She has also mentioned hating the fact that she is now technically a year older than Edward." Maya rolled her eyes at her sister's logic. As if one year really made such a difference. It's not like Bella had to worry about looking old just yet. 

Really if there was anything age related that should have grabbed her focus, given how worried she was about being older than Edward, it should be that she was lucky Carlisle changed Edward when he was over the age of consent. From what she knew Edward was only over the line by about 14 months. Had the flu hit a year earlier and Edward turned then, Bella could very well have been dating a minor.

Shaking off the thoughts, Maya and Jasper caught up to Alice just as she approached Bella and gave her a gift, insisting that she would love it and should wear it to the party that night. Maya held back a laugh at Alice's ambush, slinging her arm through Jasper's as they came to a stop a good few feet back.

At Bella's look of hesitance, Alice continued trying to convince her. "Come on, please? It'll be fun." 

Maya sent Jasper a glance to see him concentrating on Bella making her smile grow, knowing that he was influencing Bella's emotions to make her more agreeable. It probably wasn't ethical, or fair, but really all she had to do was show up, smile, open gifts and eat cake. How much of a burden could that be?

(BTW yes I know for some people that could be asking a lot and forcing someone to do something they are not comfortable with or against is wrong and should not be done. But for the purpose of this story we're setting aside those little facts and going with it. Plus that little attention seeker can't really complain as she loves being the centre of everyone's attention.)

"Okay. All right." Bella said with a huff and small smile, Jasper's powers obviously working.

Alice let out a small laugh, clearly excited, "Great! Okay, I will see you at seven." She then turned around and made her way over to Maya's side taking her hand and beginning to walk off before Bella had a chance to change her mind.

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