Meeting the Major

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One day at lunch they had all been laughing and joking around as Emmet turned to face Maya a big smile stretched across his face.

"So Maya, we never did ask, does Jasper have any competition? Any old boyfriends who will come looking for you?" This had become Emmet's new favourite game once he had realized just how protective Jasper was of her. He knew that new mates were typically more possessive and protective of their mates, especially before they fully bonded and he loved to tease Jasper about their new relationship and push his buttons.

"I don't think so." Maya gave a careless shrug, continuing to eat.

"You don't think so?" Rosalie asked. She had been planning to stop Emmet, but now she was curious.

"Well, I had one boyfriend back when I had just turned 16, but I haven't seen him in months." Jasper tensed at this, jealousy rising at the thought of someone else touching his mate.

"What happened?" Alice asked.

"I was stupid" Maya muttered, suddenly worried about what they would think of her actions. "Just a young girl in love with the idea of having a boyfriend more than the boy himself and he was the stereotypical nice guy at the coffee shop I went to. He was sweet and took me out on dates and eventually we began to get more ... intimate."

"Wait, so you're not a virgin?" Emmet cut in, speaking in a low voice. 

Jasper tensed up even more at this, not liking the image it put in his head of Maya with someone else. That another had seen her in the throws of pleasure and judging by her tone and emotions, hadn't appreciated the gift she had given him. The Major had also begun to stir at the thought, began urging him to claim what was theirs. To show her what it was supposed to be like and how he would worship her and take care of her. He clenched down on the urge and pushed Major back, the only sign of his anger the low growl that escaped his lips.

"No, I'm not" Maya answered without shame. She may not be proud of dating that jerk or giving her first time to him, but she also wouldn't allow others to mock her for the choices she made. She may regret it, but she learned from it.

"So, what happened" Rosalie asked, wanting to get back to the story.

"Well, it was all going great. Then ... he introduced me to his girlfriend."

"He didn't" Alice gasped. All the Cullens, even Edward, were mad at this, Jasper especially.

"Yeah, turns out he had been seeing her all along. But that was okay, I introduced him to my three overprotective self-proclaimed brothers" Maya said lightly with a small smirk. She might be embarrassed about falling for his tricks and regret ever meeting him, but she would not regret her payback.

"You have brothers?" Emmet asked confused.

"Yeah, well a few of the vampires that I spent some time with declared themselves my brothers and they apparently take that roll very seriously. At least if the fact that I never saw that Pezzo di merda again was anything to go by."

"Pizza do merida?" Emmet asked, butchering the Italian.

"Pezzo di merda" Maya corrected with a laugh, "it means piece of shit."

Emmet grinned, "cool."

"So let me get this straight, you met a guy who you liked, dated him, found out he was a cheater who used you and then told a bunch of vampires about him as payback?" Rose interrupted, a single eyebrow raised.

"Throw in the part that I slashed his car tires the next time he tried to take his girlfriend out and yeah, that's basically what happened."

Rose held up her hand for a high-five, which Maya met, "Way to give the cheating bastard what he deserved."

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now