Edward's Return

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It had been a week since Edward had left and in that time Bella had bothered Maya constantly. She was forever asking Maya about the Cullens; what they were like, where Edward had gone and when he would be coming back. She had followed Maya around the house, cornered her in school and even barged into Maya's room on more than one occasion to demand answers as if she was entitled to the secrets of people she didn't even know.

Maya was growing frustrated and after the second day of Bella barging into her room, she had gone out and bought a bolt lock for the inside of her door. She now had the ability to lock her door from the inside and she had already put it to use. Not even an hour after she had installed it, Bella had attempted to barge into her room but had instead slammed face first into her door when it didn't open. Maya had heard it all and as Bella marched away had struggled to hold in her laughter. Normally she would feel bad, but she had hoped that maybe this would teach Bella to be a little more mindful of other's privacy.

Of course, the struggles weren't just at her home. The Cullens were also upset with Bella's questions and Edward's departure. Rosalie was the most upset. She was furious that a human was causing trouble for their family and Maya actually worried about what she might do if Bella did not stop staring at them constantly.

Esme was also extremely upset. Though hers was more worry for Edward, than the situation with Bella. Instead of staying with the family and allowing them to help, Edward had taken off and it had saddened Esme greatly that he did not want their help.

Jasper, while not the most angry at the situation, was the most affected by his family's mood, having to feel each of their emotions as his own. So, in order to gain breaks from it all, he and Maya had been spending more time exploring the woods. Sometimes they would simply stroll along as they chatted and others she would shift and they would race through the trees, allowing their worries to be left behind in the dust.

Edward finally returned Monday morning, three hours before they had to leave for school. Everyone welcomed him back, asking how his trip went and he proudly told them that he now had enough control to be around Bella without having to worry too much. Jasper had rolled his eyes at that and simply resigned himself to some very uncomfortable Biology classes as even if Edward had better control, Jasper would still feel the affects of his bloodlust.

As the Cullens headed off to school it was like any other day, except that the roads were all coated in a thin layer of ice. When Jasper pulled up at her house, Maya had taken great pleasure in getting a running start to slide all the way down the driveway and straight into Jasper's waiting arms. He had swung her around, placing soft kisses on her lips as he set her down.

"You're in a good mood today. What's up Darlin?" He asked once they were both seated in the car.

"Edward's back! Which means that Bella will stop asking me when he will come back!" Maya did a fist pump, practically bouncing in her seat glad that Bella's interrogations would be ending today.

The school day went well, if one did not count the fact that the minute Bella noticed Edward was back her eyes were locked on them all. But Maya and Jasper did their best to ignore her and simply went about their day.

This however, became impossible as they made their way into Biology. Unlike last week, Jasper had been prepared for Edwards surge of bloodlust as Bella sat next to him and was not taken by surprise. Though he still tensed up and pulled Maya closer. Maya tried her best to help him by distracting him as they both ignored Edward and Bella in front of them. When the teacher began talking, Maya thought it might have been the first time since she came to school that she was glad for a lesson to start.

Today they were doing a lab that both Maya and Jasper found easy, but at least it gave him something to focus on and do with his hands. They finished it quickly before anyone else, but they kept their heads down pretending to still be working so that the teacher would not approach them. In the end he declared Bella and Edward the first done as Maya allowed Jasper to draw on her arm. He had long ago discovered that keeping his hands busy helped to distract him, and since he enjoyed drawing, Maya let him to draw on her from time to time. It allowed him to distract himself, while at the same time, keeping her close to him. For the most part he only drew simple patterns on her arm, but every once in a while, he would get creative and draw things like plants, feathers or animals.

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