Life Outside the Drama

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~Hey everyone, sorry for not getting anything posted these last two days. I know I said I would try for a chapter or two, but I just got home from work Friday and crashed hard. So I took Saturday as  a recovery day. But now I'm back and we are officially beginning Eclipse!~

A few weeks had passed since the Cullen's return and for the most part Jasper and Maya had been inseparable. They did almost everything together, finding it a relief to finally have their mate bond settle between them again after it had been strained so badly by their separation.

Maya's dad was also pretty understanding of this. Accepting that Jasper had essentially become a permanent fixture in his house to the point where Jasper no longer even bothered with sneaking in her window anymore and simply walked through the front door.

Although in Maya's opinion this was mostly due to the fact that it meant that Jasper was able to watch more games with him and Maya. It had become very common to see the three of them on the couch for every game cheering loudly as their team scored or yelling at the ref. and various players. A lot of the time Emmet even dropped by to watch the game with them.

Today though had been warm enough that they could spend time outside without drawing odd looks from the humans and as such, Jasper had taken Maya for another day of riding. She had once again ridden Grace while Jasper was on Alistair as the two moved at a slow pace along the trail chatting and laughing with each other.

When they returned, Maya had been tired and sore from the ride and had climbed up to perch on the fence as she gently stroked Grace's nose while she watched Jasper ride around an open field. She didn't know much about riding, but she knew enough to realize that Jasper was good and definitely in his element on horse back. He practically flew across the field on Alistair's back, bent low over the saddle as they galloped. When the pair came to a jump he urged the stallion over it with effortless ease, his body moving in sync with Alistair's as if he was an extension of him.

Maya happily clapped and cheered for him as he rode around, unable to take her eyes off the sight of him. Every time she saw him on his motorcycle, the wind whipping through his hair she had thought that he looked sexy. But now seeing him racing around on horseback, a bright and happy smile on his face, she couldn't find the words to describe how good he looked and how much she wanted to pull him to her and have her way with him.

When he passed by her again and sent her a wink as he laughed, she felt the area between her legs grow even more damp as her arousal rose even higher. She unconsciously rubbed her legs together as her eyes reminded glued to Jasper committing the image of him as he was now, so happy and carefree, to memory.

By the time Jasper was done riding, Maya being in no rush to bring his enjoyment to an end, the sun was almost beginning to set and she was about ready to explode from her need for him.

As Jasper drew closer to the fence on which Maya was perched, he could not hold back a grin as he began to take notice of her emotions. Apparently his girl truly enjoyed the show he had put on for her. Laughing quietly at this and determined to ignore it to see how she would react; he simply dismounted and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

Pretending to not notice the small whine she let out as he pulled away, he asked, "So, Darlin', did you enjoy getting the chance to ride again?"

"Yep" she said distractedly, turning to focus on leading Grace into the stable. "I especially loved getting a chance to see you ride. You look so happy when you do it."

"And hot" she muttered into Grace's mane, beginning to remove her tack. Jasper grinned broadly at this, though he gave no other sign that he had heard her. Instead, he began to make plans to bring her here more often.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now