The Battle

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The Cullens were lined up along the edge of the clearing with the wolves and Maya hidden in the trees. The plan was for the Cullens to engage them first and draw them in and once all the newborns were in the field the shifters would come in. They wanted the newborns to be caught up in battle when they saw the wolves and Maya, otherwise they would risk some getting spooked and taking off.

It wasn't a huge risk as they all would be out of control and driven by their blood lust and Bella's scent. But they didn't want to risk it. They were far from the town, but with a newborns strength and speed that didn't mean much. No one wanted to take the risk of one making it into a populated area.

As they all waited Jasper settled into the calm he had grown accustomed to feeling before a battle. Where all worries and fear faded away and all you could focus on was the looming battle. He gently pushed reassuring and calming waves at his family and the wolf pack as he allowed the Major out.

Major cracked his neck and released a breath as he heard the sounds of the approaching enemies. He may have spent the last few decades living in peace but this was still familiar territory to him. Adjusting his stance he took off across the field as the first newborns appeared.

They snarled as they entered the field in a disorganized mess and Major smirked as he took the head off the first newborn. He could already tell that like they guessed; this army had no training or discipline. Which would only make his job of keeping his family alive and relatively safe easier.

He immediately set to further breaking up their ranks, taking out one or two here and forcing them to spread out. The less packed together they were, the fewer chances they would have to team up on his family. As the wolves and Maya joined the fight he continued to move around the field, using his gift to spread fear and confusion to the enemy causing them to falter and providing opening for their side to attack.

He also kept an eye out for gifts or those moving with more skill or control. As he had learned long ago; those were the ones to watch out for. They were the ones that made it to the end of the year or were kept on.

He took out two that he saw acting on intelligence instead of instinct, ignoring the pain as one managed to sink their teeth into him before he could rip their head off, before moving over to help a wolf that was being pinned down. As he glanced around, looking for where he was needed most, he spotted Maya taking out a newborn that had been coming up behind Esme and Carlisle as they dealt with two others.

He wanted Maya close, but seeing that she was fine for the moment he headed off towards Alice. He leapt through the air and pulled off the arms of the newborn he landed on, almost before they even hit the ground. Then he was off again, taking out newborns as he made his way back towards his mate who was in the process of helping a wolf fend off three at once.

He joined them as they sank their teeth into two and he ripped off the head of the third. The battle was dwindling down now, their side outnumbering the enemy but he continued to move around the clearing, taking off heads or limbs of any newborn that got within arms reach of him and chasing down those that tried to gang up on anyone.

Not much later the battle came to a close as he watched Emmet rip the last ones head off. Turing around to look over his family, he was relieved to see that everyone was alright. They were a little worse for wear of course, covered in dirt as they were with a few of them sporting cracks, but nothing that wouldn't heal with time.

Turning his attention to focus on his mate, he could see her favouring her left a bit as she walked. Speeding over to her side, he gently placed a hand on her head. "Are you alright Doll?"

Maya gave him a nod of confirmation and at his disbelieving look gave him the cat's equivalent of an eyeroll before giving an annoyed huff. She was fine, all she had were a few bruises that would be gone before tomorrow. Honestly, if they should be worrying about anyone it should be Emmet. The man had cracks all over one of his shoulders from when he had charged straight at a newborn that had gotten a hold on Rosalie.

Not that Maya blamed him. If she had seen Jasper in a similar situation she probably would have done something just as reckless. Though apparently that wasn't something she would ever have to worry about if this battle was anything to go by. She had watched as Jasper had practically flown over the battlefield, barely breaking stride as he took down one newborn after the other. Every move he made was precise and none of his opponents had stood a chance.

Honestly after watching him in action she could clearly see why her Uncle Caius had wanted him for the guard; the man looked unbeatable. If he went up against one of her brothers, she honestly wasn't sure which of them would win.

Focusing back on Jasper, and doing a visual check of her own to make sure he was fine, she used her head to gesture to the trees he knew she stashed her cloths in. He gave a nod of understanding and she made her way over to them to shift back so she could help as everyone gathered the bodies into a pile to burn. 

~hey everyone, really short chapter and I'm sorry for that. I really struggled with writing the battle. I feel like I rushed it and for that you my sincerest apologies for not doing it justice.  Honestly though, I struggled so much with it that I wrote the rest of Eclipse and then came back to write this chapter. So this is the best you are going to get.~

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin