Bella's First Day

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The next morning, Maya got up at her usual time and like normal, Jasper had already left to head home to change and grab his truck. She rolled around in bed for a few minutes, not wanting to leave the warmth and comfort of it just yet. But finally, the promise of coffee and food got her up. She stumbled her way into the bathroom to do her normal routine before returning to her room to pick out an outfit. Though by this point, "pick out" mainly meant checking her phone for a text from Alice to see what she should wear. God forbid her outfit clash with that of her friends and mate.

When she was dressed, she headed down to the kitchen to grab her coffee and begin making breakfast. Her and her dad had their morning routine down to an art at this point. He, being a disgustingly early riser, would get up and make the coffee, which would allow her to rouse herself enough to cook a decent breakfast for the both of them. It worked well as he couldn't cook to save his life and it gave Maya a reason to crawl out of bed in time for school. It also had the added bonus that Maya not only got her coffee without having to wait but that they both got to sit down and enjoy their morning together. It was nice seeing as his job didn't always allow them to eat dinner together.

As they were finishing, they finally heard Bella stir. Or at least that was what Maya assumed was going on judging by the loud thumps coming from her room. Glancing at the time, Maya got up to deal with her plate and then rushed upstairs to throw stuff into her bag. She headed back downstairs just as Bella was beginning to look through the kitchen, still dressed in her pyjamas.

"I left your portion of breakfast in the microwave as I wasn't sure when you would be up. There's also some extra coffee in the coffee pot. Me and dad weren't sure if you drink it or not" Maya commented, setting her bag down on a chair to check through it one last time to make sure she had her homework.

"Thanks" Bella muttered.

Maya sat down on a chair then to put her shoes on, before heading to the closet to grab a coat. As a shifter she didn't really need it, but she knew that she would get some weird looks if she didn't at least have it with her.

"Why are you leaving so early? School doesn't start for at least another hour." Bella questioned.

"We like to go early sometimes. It gives us more of a chance to hang out that way" She replied not really paying attention as she heard Jasper's truck pull up.

She headed outside to meet him, smiling as she approached. He had already hopped out and had come around to open her door for her and help her in, giving her a peck on the cheek as he did. When she was settled, he made his way back to the driver's side and they were off. They drove in a comfortable silence until he pulled off the road and came to a stop. He reached behind him then and handed her a lunch bag.

Esme had taken it upon herself to make lunch for Maya everyday after she had mentioned once about how awful the school food was and how lucky they were they didn't need to actually eat it. Maya had tried to talk her out of it, but had been brushed aside. That was when Maya had discovered Esme's love of cooking and how delighted she was to have someone to actually cook for. It had also delighted her to see how much Maya obviously loved her cooking.

Maya took it and opened it up to smell it. "Mm, you are aware that if I ever see a sign of Esme leaving Carlisle, I will dump you in a heartbeat for her, right Love?"

"Yes Darlin'. You tell me almost every time you see or taste her food. And if you are not telling me, you are asking her to run off with you" he said with a chuckle.

"Ah, right. Well, never fear my dear. Much to my eternal disappointment, Carlisle seems to love Esme just as much as I love you, so the chances of it ever happening are less than nonexistent." She gave him a pat on the shoulder as she pouted in disappointment.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper Haleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن