Returning to Forks

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Jasper was following behind Alice as she shopped. He had been working almost non-stop since leaving Forks trying to get his gift and bloodlust under better control. He was now at the point where he was spending time in large crowds while blocking out his family's bloodlust. It had taken a while since he had first had to get better at realizing which emotions were his own and which were his families. From there he had to learn how to push them to the side and block them out so they did not affect him as much. Now he was on what he called the final step; learning how to do that when bombarded by large amounts of emotion, such as when he was in a crowd. Alice had volunteered to help him with this stage and in true Alice fashion, she had found a way to turn helping him in into a shopping trip. Both his arms were filled with bags as she skipped along ahead of him still shopping.

He wasn't really paying attention to the stores they were in or where they were going, focusing instead on alternating between blocking out all the emotions around him and isolating the ones from Alice from the crowd and himself. As he switched back to focusing on Alice he felt a sudden shift in her emotions. He glanced up to see her in the middle of a vision and was quick to guide her over to a nearby bench for her to sit on until she came out of it.

When she did, she looked up at him with panic. "It's Bella! I saw her kill herself!"

Jasper gestured for her to keep her voice down so they would not be overheard. "Can we stop it?"

She shook her head, "no I don't think so, it's close. Like within the next day or two. But for Edward, we have to try. If we leave right now there is a chance we could get there in time." Alice knew she was mainly fooling herself, but if she didn't at least try she knew she would regret it.

"Alright let's get back to the car and head straight there" Jasper decided. While he did not hold much hope for getting there on time, he knew that even if they didn't Maya would need him. She may not love the human like a sister, but her dad loved Bella and watching him break down over Bella and being unable to do anything to help would kill his Darlin'.

The two quickly rushed back to their car and sped off down the road, calling the family to let them know what was happening as they did.


Hours later they arrived in Forks and headed straight for the Swan's house. Pulling up they could tell no one was home by the lack of heartbeats.

"Do you think we should go in?" Alice asked, trailing her eyes over the darkened house.

Jasper stared at his sister in confusion, "Why on earth would we do that?"

"I don't know, to find a hint I guess on whether or not we're too late?" Alice slid out of the vehicle and began making her way towards the house.

Jasper gave a long sigh before following her. As cruel and unfeeling as it sounded, Jasper really wasn't interested in saving the girl that was driving their brother away from them. His only concern was Maya and how the death of the girl would affect her.

By the time he reached the door, Alice had already picked the lock and let herself in.

"How very lady like" he commented dryly.

"Oh hush. Now start looking around to see if we are too late" Alice herself already beginning to look through papers scattered on the kitchen table to see if there were any hints.

Jasper, with a roll of his eyes, began to survey the house. He sniffed the air trying to catch the scent of his Maya but furrowed his brows in confusion when he only caught faint traces. He made his way up to her room trying to pick up a stronger scent, worry growing as he failed to do so. Even in her room the only scent of hers he could pick up was at least a week old and he quickly grew concerned that something had happened to her.

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now