Dads Know Everything

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The next day, Maya and her dad sat at their usual table in the Diner after school as they did every Friday, chatting as they waited for Bella to arrive.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Biology project" Bella said as she took her seat.

Maya rolled her eyes at this, knowing full well that what really happened was that Bella got caught up with Edward and lost track of time. The two were truly in their "honeymoon" phase that all new couples went through. She did not begrudge them that, though she did hate that Bella was lying to their dad instead of just admitting that she had a boyfriend.

Their dad though simply gave a nod of acceptance at her excuse. "I ordered you the Spinach Salad. I hope that's okay" he said as Cora came over with their plates.

"You should order one for yourself next time. Cut back on the steak."

Maya fake gagged at Bella's comment. While she had nothing against salads, she had no idea how someone could live off them as Bella seemed to be attempting to do.

(Author's note: no offence to people who love salads, I do to, Maya's just a carnivore who needs her meat)

"Hey, I'm as healthy as a horse" their dad argued, sending Maya a smile at her reaction, sharing the girl's opinion.

As Cora finished setting down the food, she straightened and cleared her throat, the other tables growing silent around them. "Say Chief, boys wanna know, did you find anything down by Queets River today?"

Charlie let out a sigh, knowing that there was no point in keeping quiet about it as word would get out eventually. "Yeah, we found a bare human foot print, but it looks like whoever that is is headed east, so Kitsap County Sheriff is gonna take over from here."

A frown settled on Maya's face at the news. Though she knew her dad was aware that it was no animal she worried for him and felt guilty that she couldn't tell him any more about what exactly he was up against. She had been determined to keep all the details to herself so no one could accuse him of knowing too much. However, with all the time that he had been spending out in the woods tracking them and given that they had left a foot print, either by accident or on purpose, she knew it was becoming too dangerous for him to not know what he was up against. Even if this group was moving on, there was no grantee that another might not pass through later and she wanted him to be prepared. As such she reluctantly decided to tell him more of the truth the minute they got home.

"Okay. I just hope they catch him fast" Cora replied, apparently accepting that it was out of their hands and moving off to check on her other customers. Everyone else seemed to accept his answers as well, as conversations resumed around the Diner.

As the family began to eat their food, movement outside the window caught Maya and her dad's eye and they looked up to see Mike shaking his ass at them through the window in some odd dance. Maya curled her lip in disgust, still mad that the boy had yet to get a hint and leave her alone.

"L'idiota dovrebbe fare un favore a tutti noi e morire" Maya muttered angrily to her plate.

"Looks like your friends are flagging you. Its okay if you wanna go join them. I'm just gonna turn in early anyway" their dad said, aiming his comments at Bella, knowing exactly how Maya felt about Mike.

She had made that abundantly clear when she had asked him if he would arrest her for murdering the boy a few weeks ago. Or if a case could be made for self-defence since she would technically only be doing it to protect her sanity.

"Me too" Bella muttered, turning back from glancing at the group in the window behind her.

"Bella, it's Friday night. Go out. Looks like the Newton boy's got a big smile for you" he encouraged, worried for his human daughter. Maya he at least knew talked with and hung out with the Cullens, going shopping and such, but Bella seemed to have no life outside of school. He wanted her to make some good friends that she enjoyed spending time with in the hopes that she might grow to enjoy living in Forks and choose to stay.

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